My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5951 5951 A great opportunity

"It's probably the fault of the Zhengyang Taoist House. In the past, our Qingyuan Taoist Office appointed the person who would go out to fight against the demons. Now that our Qingyuan Taoist House has declined, it is naturally up to the Zhengyang Taoist House to ask Mr. Xingjun Recommended." Chen Siyuan hit the nail on the head.

"I didn't expect that Cao Fangyi would be so despicable and shameless. In the past, I, Qingyuan Taoist Government, would discuss candidates with each government when appointing candidates. He actually didn't say a word or discuss with us, and just let Fenghua die!" Lin Yuantang said with a dark face. Said angrily.

"I'm going to argue with them right now!" Zhuang Mengdie was furious and rolled up his sleeves out of habit.

In the past, when faced with Zhengyang Taoist Mansion's plan to kill someone with a knife, no matter how dissatisfied or resentful he was, he would probably have to endure it. But it is different now. He has also become a strong man in the realm of transformation into a saint. , coupled with the tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years of experience accumulated by Qingyuan Taoist Mansion and his banker, even if they are not sure of winning in the challenge of Ordinary Transformation Saint, they still have the power to protect themselves, and their confidence is naturally very different.

"Let's discuss the theory later. There are still three days before the demon-conquering expedition. If we don't rush to the Spiritual Saint King's Domain as soon as possible, I'm afraid I won't be able to explain to the Spiritual Saint King." Han Daocheng reminded.

They had just arrived at Qingyuan Taoist Mansion and did not know that Lin Yuantang and others had been promoted to sainthood. They could not watch Zhuang Mengdie impulsively run to Zhengyang Taoist Mansion to seek death. More importantly, the crusade to defeat the demons is about to begin, so there is no time to delay.

"So urgent this time?" Zhuang Mengdie said in surprise.

"Master Fu Zheng, you have been in seclusion for almost half a year." Qingfeng reminded in a low voice.

Zhuang Mengdie, Lin Yuantang and others slapped their foreheads at the same time and concentrated on retreat to break through the bottleneck. Little did they know that this promotion actually took nearly half a year.

"Then what should we do now? Do we really want Fenghua to participate in the demon-killing expedition?" After a moment of silence, Zhuang Mengdie looked at Lin Yuantang worriedly.

"If I had received the news earlier, I could have interceded with Mr. Xingjun. I'm afraid it's too late now. Alas, if I had known that Zhengyang Taoist Mansion was so despicable, I shouldn't have gone into seclusion in a hurry." Lin Yuantang said regretfully.

"Senior brothers, are the demon-defeating expeditions very dangerous?" Gu Fenghua couldn't help but ask when he saw that they all had worried faces, as if he was going to go out and take part in the demon-defeating expeditions.

"With your current level of cultivation, you will survive a narrow escape." Lin Yuantang said.

"What a narrow escape from death, it's obviously certain death." Su Guang said without mercy, not so tactfully.

"Then, if you don't die, is there no benefit?" Gu Fenghua asked.

"Of course there are benefits. If you can kill the rebellious demons, you will be rewarded by the Emperor of Heaven if you come back alive. The more demons you kill and the higher your cultivation level, the more generous the rewards will be.

Moreover, entering the Xuming Ancient Realm is actually an opportunity in itself. If you can find the treasure that should be catastrophic, it will be of great benefit to your future cultivation. "Chen Siyuan replied.

"A treasure worthy of calamity!" Gu Fenghua's heart moved.

According to the "Tianlu" records, the so-called treasures that should cope with the calamity, that is, the treasures of heaven and earth that deal with the calamity, are of great benefit to both the future practice of the Void and the Tao and the promotion to Tao Sage, and the Tao Sage's future dealing with the calamity.

However, the treasure that should be robbed is extremely rare, and even in the supreme heaven, it has a price but no market.

In this way, participating in the demon-slaying expedition is dangerous, but it is indeed a great opportunity.

"Opportunities are opportunities, but you have to have your life to take them." Seeing the flash of light in Gu Fenghua's eyes, Zhuang Mengdie poured cold water on him.

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