My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5952 5952 Since there is no way to escape

"Then what will happen if I don't go?" Gu Fenghua knew that he was worried about himself, so of course he wouldn't be angry, so he asked in turn.

Zhuang Mengdie fell silent immediately, as did Lin Yuantang, Chen Siyuan, Su Guang and others.

"Mr. Lin Fu is right. If we had received the news earlier and discussed it with Mr. Tianweixing, and we could help talk to him, we might be able to persuade him to take back his life and send someone else to participate. But now we are still far away from the demon-slaying expedition. For three days, disciples from all domains had gathered in the Spirit Saint King Domain. At this time, it was too late to choose another candidate.

If you don't go, you will definitely make King Lingsheng very angry. Not to mention Qingyuan Daofu, even Lord Tianweixing will not be able to withstand his anger. "After a while, Han Daocheng spoke again.

As a result, Lin Yuantang and others became even more silent.

"In other words, you can't escape even if you run away. Since you can't escape, let's go. Anyway, there are not only disadvantages but no advantages." Gu Fenghua spread his hands and said nonchalantly.

"But..." Lin Yuantang and others were worried and anxious when they heard this, and they said at the same time.

"Senior brothers, there is no need to persuade me, I have already made up my mind. You have also said that the path of cultivation will never be smooth sailing. If I am not willing to take any risks, I will not be where I am today. Even if I am lucky, I will be where I am today." It will be difficult to achieve great success in cultivation in the future. I am afraid of this and that, why should I practice hard? It is better to go home and retire." Before they could say anything, Gu Fenghua interrupted and said firmly.

For this reason, Lin Yuantang and others could not say anything more. They just looked at Gu Fenghua's young face, their eyes full of shame.

If he hadn't been dragged down by the Qingyuan Taoist government, why would Gu Fenghua participate in the expedition to defeat the demons? With her level of cultivation at the ninth level of the Holy Saint, this is not like a narrow escape from death. If she is so lucky, it will definitely be a tenth death without a life.

"Let's go, let's leave now." Now that he has decided to go, Gu Fenghua certainly won't be hesitant.

She knew that the reason why Lin Yuantang and others were so worried was that, in the final analysis, they believed that her promotion had failed and her cultivation was still at the ninth level of the Holy Saint. But she herself knew very well: her own strength was not as simple as they imagined!

"I'll go with you." Lin Yuantang and others said in unison.

"What should we do if Qingyuan Daofu has already left? Zhuang Fuzheng, Chen Fuzheng, you two can stay, and Su Gongfeng and I can accompany Junior Sister Fenghua." After a pause, Lin Yuantang said to Zhuang Mengdie and Chen Siyuan said the man.

"You are the prince of the mansion. At this time, you should stay in the Taoist mansion to take charge of the overall situation. It is better for us to send Fenghua away." Zhuang Mengdie said.

"It's still a long way to the Spirit Saint King's Realm, and there might be some accidents along the way. Just because I am the Lord of the Palace, I should accompany Fenghua." Lin Yuantang said seriously.

After hearing what he said, it was really hard for Zhuang Mengdie and Chen Siyuan to argue with him. Although in the Qingyuan Taoist Mansion, Lin Yuantang has always ignored everything, and everything is decided by the two of them. But outside, the master is the master. If something unexpected happens, it is still better than the two of them. People can better control the scene.

"Your Majesty, Mr. Fu, is right. Just stay here, you two. We can accompany Fenghua." Su Guang said proudly.

"Otherwise, let Su Guang stay and guard the Taoist mansion, and we will accompany Fenghua together." The more Zhuang Mengdie looked at his arrogant look, the more unhappy he became. He rolled his eyes and said to Lin Yuantang.

"Yes, yes, I think it's okay for Su to guard the Taoist mansion." Chen Siyuan also agreed.

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