My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5953 5953 Can’t believe my ears

"Nonsense, why did I take him away? I was afraid that he would accidentally turn our Qingyuan Taoist House into the biggest gambling house in the Supreme Heaven. You actually want him to stay alone to guard the Taoist House. I'm really not afraid of the Taoist House when he comes back. Is that sign at the door turning into Qingyuan Gambling House?" Lin Yuantang actually didn't want to offend Zhuang and Chen, but he couldn't help but yelled sharply after hearing this.

"Uh..." Zhuang and Chen looked embarrassed, unable to refute.

Next to them, Han Daocheng and others were twitching at the corners of their mouths.

As for Su Guang himself, of course he could no longer get angry. I originally thought that Lin Yuantang took him with him because he was closer to Gu Fenghua and would have someone to take care of him on the way. It turned out to be this reason.

"Actually, there are no major events in the Taoist government on weekdays. We haven't come here so peacefully for so many years. We are just delayed for a while, so what's the big deal?" Although he knew that Lin Yuantang had his own reasons for this arrangement, Zhuang Meng Die still refused to give up and said.

"Well, if it were in the past, it would be no big deal for us to be away for a while, but the situation is different now. What I am most worried about is that Zhengyang Daofu will jump over the wall." Lin Yuantang sighed and said.

Upon hearing this, Zhuang Mengdie and Chen Siyuan suddenly looked stern.

Logically speaking, because of Feng Hua, all the Dao Palaces under Tianweixing Lord now owe a lot of favors to Qingyuan Dao Palace. Unless Zhengyang Dao Palace is forced into a desperate situation, it should not take action against Qingyuan Dao Palace at this time. That's right.

But if all four of them leave Qingyuan Taoist House, things will be difficult to say. With the vicious and vicious nature of Cao Fangyi and others, would they really turn a blind eye to such a good opportunity?

"That's all, then it's up to the two of us..." Chen Siyuan said helplessly after weighing the situation for a moment.

"Master Fujun, Master Fuzheng, I would like to offer you a great tribute. Fujun, Fujun Wen Junchu of Zhengyang Taoism would like to see you." At this time, another young disciple hurried over and shouted loudly before he arrived. Report.

"Hmph! What is he doing here at this time? Do you want to see the jokes of my Qingyuan Taoist family?" When he heard that the Lord of Zhengyang Taoist Temple asked to see him, Lin Yuantang snorted subconsciously, and then suddenly realized that something was not right. He grabbed the disciple and said, "What did you just say, Wen Junchu?"

"Master Zhengyang Daofu, Wen Junchu." The disciple repeated.

Although he spoke clearly and clearly this time, Lin Yuantang still looked in disbelief and subconsciously looked at Zhuang Mengdie and the others. The latter also looked shocked, as if he couldn't believe his ears.

Isn't the Lord of Zhengyang Taoist Palace Cao Fangyi? How did he become Wen Junchu? What is the origin of Wen Junchu and where did he come from?

"Wen Junchu, I seem to have heard that he is one of Cao Fangyi's seven disciples." Chen Siyuan thought for a while before finally having an impression.

"I also remembered that this person is the most incompetent among Cao Fangyi's seven disciples. I even gambled with him a few times in Chiyun Continent. When I lost, I wanted to default on my debt. His character is extremely poor." With his Reminder, Su Guang also remembered who this Wen Junchu was, and said with disdain.

Character, you still have the nerve to mention character? Who owed a huge debt and left without saying goodbye, leaving for more than ten years without daring to come back? Everyone looked at Su Guang with even more contempt.

"How did he become the Lord of Zhengyang Taoism?" Lin Yuantang didn't care about this Wen Junchu's character, but he couldn't figure out how this person became the Lord of Zhengyang Taoism.

"Jun Wenfu said that he came here this time to lead the Zhengyang Taoist House to join our Qingyuan Taoist House. In order to show his sincerity, he also specially brought the Qingyuan Taoist Seal and the Zhengyang House Jun's Order." A disciple who came to report the news continued.

"What!" Lin Yuantang and others were shocked when they heard this.

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