My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5954 5954 Want to laugh, but also want to cry

"Is the rumor true?" Han Daocheng, Xiao Zilie and others were equally surprised. After a while, Han Daocheng said thoughtfully.

"What rumors?" Lin Yuantang and others asked in unison.

"It is said that not long after we left the Zhengyang Taoist Mansion that day, Cao Fangyi, Kou Chuchen, Pang Lingqing and Zhu Lu were caught in a fire and their souls were destroyed. The Zhengyang Taoist Mansion was leaderless for a while. In order to compete for the position of the governor and the superintendent of the mansion, The disciples in the mansion were divided into several factions and started fighting.

The turmoil lasted for several months, and each faction suffered heavy casualties. Finally, the winner was decided, and a few unknown disciples were appointed as the chief supervisor of the Fujun Mansion. Before, we heard it as a joke, but now it seems that this rumor is probably not wrong. "Han Daocheng said.

"Cao Fangyi, Kou Chuchen, Pang Lingqing and others went crazy at the same time. How is this possible? I'm not dreaming, am I?" Zhuang Mengdie rubbed his face, with a dull look on his face, as if he was sleepwalking.

No wonder he had this expression. You must know that although Cao Fangyi, Kou Chuchen and others have entered the realm of becoming a saint early, their cultivation has not improved in the past hundreds of years. They are far from being promoted to Taoist saints. Even if they have made breakthroughs on weekdays, they will become possessed by evil spirits. The possibility is also slim.

Even if we take a step back and say that someone is really obsessed, it is impossible for the four powerful people to be obsessed at the same time.

Not to mention Zhuang Mengdie who was habitually sleepwalking, even Lin Yuantang and others felt as if they were in a dream when they heard the news.

It turns out they weren't dreaming.

When the Qingyuan Dao Seal used to control the Qingyuan Dao Pond appeared in the Qingyuan Dao Mansion again after thousands of years, and appeared in front of them again, everyone knew that they were not dreaming.

In that battle ten thousand years ago, in order to compete for the Qingyuan Dao Seal, the Qingyuan Dao Palace suffered heavy casualties, and the Zhengyang Dao Palace also suffered heavy losses. If Cao Fangyi, Kou Chuchen and others had not met with an accident at the same time, how could they have easily returned the Qingyuan Dao Seal.

Presented in front of them at the same time as the Qingyuan Taoist Seal was the Zhengyang Taoist Government Order. Once they accepted this Fujun Order, no matter who sat on the position of the Zhengyang Taoist Government Master, they would only be in name only. Everything is subject to the arrangements of Qingyuan Taoist House. To put it more clearly, he is a puppet. As for Zhengyang Daofu, of course it only exists in name only.

Why did Lin Yuantang, Zhuang Mengdie and others work hard for so many years? Is it not to regain the Qingyuan Dao Pool and restore the Qingyuan Dao Palace to its former glory?

Finally promoted to Saint Transformation, they were still planning to wait until their strength became stronger and their glory soared into the sky, then they would challenge Zhengyang Taoist Palace, even if they risked their lives.

Who would have known that before they had done anything, Zhengyang Taoist Mansion would actually deliver the Qingyuan Taoist Seal and the Zhengyang Mansion Junling in front of them.

Looking at the ancient stone seals and tokens in front of them, several people had mixed emotions. They wanted to laugh and cry, but in the end they couldn't laugh or cry. It was like clenching your fist and punching out with all your strength, but it hit a big ball of cotton, leaving nothing to focus on.

"My lords, I, the Zhengyang Taoist House, would like to submit to the Qingyuan Taoist House from now on, and regard the Qingyuan Taoist House as the Lord's house. If there is any mission from the superior, everyone in our house will fight to the death. I hope you will not I must despise it." Seeing that Lin Yuantang and others had complicated expressions and did not respond for a long time, Wen Junchu, who was sitting opposite him, said tremblingly.

Although he is only the least effective among the seven direct disciples of Cao Fangyi, he is very clear about the grievances and resentments between Zhengyang Taoist House and Qingyuan Taoist House over the years.

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