My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5956 5956 The third brother is here too!

They didn't even use a single soldier, and they weren't even ready to completely break up with the Zhengyang Taoist government. Others took the initiative to return the Qingyuan Taoist pool and presented the government order. The word "seize" was heard in their ears. Even he himself felt blushing.

"Haha, no matter what, it is always a good thing to get back the Qingyuan Dao Pond. I believe that it won't be long before the Qingyuan Dao Palace will be able to regain its former glory. Don't forget us by then." Han Daocheng himself felt that It was a slap in the face to say that, so I said haha.

"Mr. Han Fu said this, but he is out of touch. Thanks to your various governments for not forgetting the old friendship and taking care of our Qingyuan Taoist House in all these years, if our Qingyuan Taoist House can really regain its former glory in the future, we will not treat you badly. You guys." Lin Yuantang said seriously.

Although he has been promoted to Sainthood, the Tiande Daofu and other Daofu have indeed helped them a lot in these years, so in front of Han Daocheng and others, he is still as humble and polite as before.

"It's strange to say that who Cao Fangyi and the others offended died in such a mysterious way?" Zhuang Mengdie was not interested in being polite to them, and said with a puzzled look on his face.

Wen Junchu came specially to seek refuge with the Qingyuan Taoist Mansion. Naturally, he did not dare to hide the news of the death of Cao Fangyi and others, and also described the situation of that day in detail. Coincidentally, he was standing outside the door that day. Not only did he know the matter clearly, but he also saw the faces of Gu Hanyi, Gu Yeyu and Hun Tian clearly.

But the strange thing is that when he thought about it afterwards, it was like seeing flowers in a fog, and he couldn't remember anything, let alone explain it.

It is only said that one of the young men is extremely handsome, but he cannot tell how handsome he is. The other young man is handsome and cold, but he cannot tell how handsome or cold he is. As for the third person, he is a big guy and very fierce-looking. How fierce is he? Can't tell.

What he said was unclear, and Lin Yuantang and others were even more confused when they heard it. They couldn't figure out when the Supreme Heaven had such young and strong men.

No one noticed that when Zhuang Mengdie mentioned those people again, Gu Fenghua clenched his fists fiercely, with tears of excitement flashing in his eyes.

Although Wen Junchu couldn't explain how handsome the two young strong men were, or how handsome and cold they were, two familiar and friendly faces could not help but appear in front of Gu Fenghua's eyes.

It turns out that not only the fourth brother, but also the third brother is here!

It turned out that, as she had already guessed, although they could not meet her for her safety, her brothers had been watching and caring for her silently, like towering mountains, protecting her from the wind and rain!

No matter who dares to threaten her existence, they will be ruthlessly crushed to pieces.

Everything is as it was back in Xinghua Capital.

Lin Yuantang, Han Daocheng and others discussed and confirmed for a long time, but they still couldn't figure out when such a young and terrifying strong man emerged from the Supreme Heaven, let alone how they provoked Cao Fangyi and others who were so immortal. on their heads.

"Do you think it has something to do with Fenghua?" Su Guang guessed.

It is worthy of being the mascot that all the major palaces are competing for. It was just a random guess like a flash of inspiration, and Su Daxun hit the mark once again.

"No way?" Zhuang Mengdie was a little doubtful.

If Gu Fenghua really had such a strong background, no matter whether he wanted to go to Devil's Heart Valley or Qingyuan Dao Pool to experience, casually saying, how dare they refuse, why go around in such a big circle?

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