My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5957 5957 I really found a treasure!

"But don't you think that since Fenghua came to our Qingyuan Taoist House, our luck has gotten better and better?" Su Guang retorted.

When Lin Yuantang and others heard this, their hearts moved. It used to be that since Fenghua came to Qingyuan Taoist Mansion, Su Guang had been blessed with good fortune like a blessing from a heavenly official. Now that he thought about it carefully, it was not only Su Guang who benefited, they also followed Fu Ji Tai. It’s just that he won hundreds of thousands of spiritual stones from Zhengyang Taoist House, and he was promoted to sainthood so easily and realized his long-cherished wish.

But if we really talk about it in detail, it is not them who benefit the most, but the Qingyuan Taoist House itself. Now that Cao Fangyi and others died unexpectedly, Qingyuan Daofu took back Qingyuan Daochi without any bloodshed, and the once arrogant Zhengyang Daofu also became its vassal overnight.

In the next step, all Qingyuan Taoist disciples will surely benefit from this!

Could it be that Su Guang was right again, those people are really related to Gu Fenghua.

Subconsciously, everyone looked at Gu Fenghua and saw her clenching her fists with tears in her eyes.

Not only Lin Yuantang, Zhuang Mengdie and others, but also Han Daocheng, Xiao Zilie and other princes' hearts jumped violently, and they couldn't help but get excited.

"Fenghua, are those people really your family?" Lin Yuantang asked after finally suppressing his excitement.

"I don't know, maybe it is, maybe it's not." Gu Fenghua said vaguely.

With the strength of her brothers, even if their injuries are not healed, they may not be afraid of Emperor Haokong. The reason why they refuse to meet her is probably because of her safety. Of course, she cannot expose her brothers' identities casually and let him. All their efforts were in vain.

Although Gu Fenghua did not admit it, he obviously did not deny it either. Lin Yuantang and Zhuang Mengdie looked even more excited, and their eyes looking at Gu Fenghua were filled with gratitude.

Han Daocheng, Xiao Zilie and other princes looked envious:

One person can ascend to heaven with the help of such a strong person, not only Gu Fenghua, but also the Qingyuan Taoist House can walk sideways in the supreme heaven.

I found a treasure. Qingyuan Daofu really found a treasure this time!

Excited to be excited, envious to envy, Gu Fenghua was vague and unwilling to mention anything more, so they stopped asking.

Many younger disciples from powerful families are not allowed to rely on their family's influence when traveling. In fact, their various Dao Mansion also have such rules. Once you violate the rules, you will not only lose the attention of the elders in the family, but you are also likely to be severely punished by family law.

Even if those few people took action to kill Cao Fangyi and others just because they wanted to vent their anger on Gu Fenghua about the demon-killing expedition, nothing changed, but it can be said that they broke the rules when it comes to investigating. They didn't want to harm Gu Fenghua.

"Let's go, let's go to the Holy Spirit Kingdom!" Knowing that Gu Fenghua had such strong support behind him, Lin Yuantang no longer had any worries.

Just to vent Gu Fenghua's bad temper, the elders in her family were able to easily get rid of Cao Fangyi and others, and thus destroy the entire Zhengyang Taoist mansion. If she was really in danger during the demon-killing expedition, he did not believe that they would stand idly by.

"Anyway, Cao Fangyi and others are dead, and the Zhengyang Taoist Palace has also attached itself to our Qingyang Taoist House. Let's just go with them." Zhuang Mengdie's old affairs are over.

This time Lin Yuantang didn't object anymore, and nodded after thinking for a while.

"Let's go, let's go and have a look since we have nothing to do." Han Daocheng and Xiao Zilie also joined in the fun.

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