My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5966 5966 A caring face and a considerate face

There was deathly silence all around, and everyone was stunned.

I thought that Lin Yuantang was too impulsive and rashly challenged Chu Yuange. He would definitely be defeated on the spot and suffer humiliation. Not only would he lose his own face, he would even lose the face of Qingyuan Taoist House.

Who would have thought that his cultivation would reach the second level of Transformation Saint? Chu Yuange underestimated the enemy and was seriously injured under his palm with just one move. This result was completely unexpected.

"Didn't you say that Mr. Lin has been stagnant at the ninth level of the Holy Saint and it is difficult to break through? When did he reach the realm of becoming a saint?" Someone murmured to himself.

"Yes, with the current wealth of Qingyuan Daofu, it is impossible for him to be promoted to become a saint. If he relies on his own hard training, he shouldn't be promoted so early." A person next to him subconsciously agreed.

"It doesn't make sense, it doesn't make sense." Someone else shook his head, looking confused and confused.

Among the crowd, Han Daocheng, Xiao Zilie, and Luo Zongtian looked at each other with expressions of surprise.

They had somewhat expected such a result, otherwise they would not have dared to follow Su Guang and others in making a bet. But when they actually saw this scene and saw the two dazzling holy rainbows between Lin Yuantang's eyebrows, they were still in disbelief.

Among all the people, only Su Guang, Zhuang Mengdie and the others were there, looking as if everything had been expected.

"How much?" Gu Fenghua lowered his voice and asked Su Guangdao excitedly.

"Nine hundred thousand." Su Guang grinned upon hearing this, smiling so hard that he could hardly open his eyes.

"I'm asking how much you pressed for me?" Gu Fenghua asked.

"Three hundred thousand." Su Guang replied.

"Not bad, not bad." Gu Fenghua said with a smile.

In the past, whether in Tianji Continent or Wuji Shengtian, she had never been worried about money, but when she came to Wuji Shengtian, she was penniless. After this huge gamble, she could finally return to the ranks of the little rich women... No, this was clearly picking money, how could it be called gambling? Besides, can the affairs of cultivators be called gambling? This is called gambling, just a game.

"There are two more moves." Lin Yuantang said calmly in the open space among the crowd.

Although he had the upper hand with one move, he did not take advantage of the situation to attack. Instead, he maintained the grace and bearing that a king of a palace should have. He bowed slightly, put one hand behind his back, and stretched the other hand forward, making a gesture of invitation. .

"I didn't expect you to be promoted to Sainthood...Pfft..." Chu Yuange recovered from the shock and struggled to get up, but just as he was able to support half of his body, he spat out another mouthful of blood mist and fell down heavily. On the ground.

"Master Fujun, Master Fujun!" Qiu Mingyi and others finally woke up from a dream and quickly stepped forward to support Chu Yuange.

"Mr. Chufu, I think that's the end of the day. You're seriously injured. If I continue to attack, it will seem like I'm bullying your Tianxin Taoist government. We owe you those two moves first, and we'll come back when you're healed. Let me." Lin Yuantang said with a caring and considerate look.

Gu Fenghua once again lamented: The prince of his family is really good-looking. Although his words are harsh and harsh, his expression is still so gentle and elegant, and he is like a jade - just looking at it makes people unable to help themselves. I had the urge to rush up and slap him hard twice.

"Pfft..." With the support of Qiu Mingyi and others, Chu Yuange had already stood up, but after hearing Lin Yuantang's words and looking at the flat smile on his face, another mouthful of blood spurted out, and his old face also It was swollen and turned red.

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