My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5967 5967 It’s time for the next one

He is also a second-level Saint Transformer. Even if it is a fair fight, he may not be able to defeat Lin Yuantang. If he gives up two more moves, isn't that looking for death? The man surnamed Lin is clearly using his own words to flatter him and slap him in the face!

"Lin Yuantang, don't be too proud, I, Chu Yuange..." Chu Yuange roared unwillingly.

"Okay, okay, Mr. Chufu, I kindly gave you the steps. If you want to go down, go down. If you don't want to go down, if you have to hold on, then I can only risk my life to accompany you." Before he could finish his words, Lin Yuantang said He waved his hands and said helplessly.

The so-called putting others down is just to save face for others. How could you say it in public like this?

Slap in the face, Mr. Lin Dafu is obviously still slapping him in the face!

Seeing the helplessness on his face, Gu Fenghua almost laughed out loud.

Tianxin Daofu faced them in front of so many people today. Qingyuan Daofu repeatedly provoked them and made it clear that they were not prepared to save face for them. Lin Yuantang's unceremonious slap in the face and another slap in the face was in line with their plans. Fenghua’s thoughts.

"I admit defeat in today's battle. When we fight next time, don't blame me, Chu Yuange, for being merciless." Although he has missed the best opportunity to get off the donkey, Chu Yuange also knows that there is still some steps to take. But if you keep talking harshly, you won't be able to save any face at all. You can only stare at Lin Yuantang and say with gritted teeth.

"Well, remember, you agreed to give me three moves, but you still owe me two moves. I will make up for it the next time we fight." Lin Yuantang touched his chin and said seriously.

Chu Yuange wanted to spurt blood again. He knew Lin Yuantang's qualifications. In the past, it was only limited by the declining strength of the Qingyuan Taoist House, so he was unable to advance to become a saint. Now, once he crosses the threshold of becoming a saint, he will be like a fish returning to the sea and a tiger entering the forest. , no matter how hard I practice, I can no longer widen the gap.

If you give him two moves, wouldn't it mean that he loses every time he fights, and each time he loses more ugly than the last time?

Alas, I really shouldn’t have said so much. This Lin Yuantang is the same. He is also a strong man in the realm of becoming a saint. I will just say casually, you are still insisting on it. Aren't you embarrassed? Chu Yuange was annoyed and angry, and had deep contempt for Lin Yuantang.

While despising him, he also had a deep fear of the next fight between the two.

"Mr. Chu Fu, you should go back to recuperate first. It's time for the next one." Lin Yuantang ignored his contemptuous eyes, looked up at Qiu Mingyi and others, and said reluctantly.

Qingyuan Taoist Palace has been silent for too long, so much so that it was bullied by Tianxin Taoist House in front of so many people, even under the Tianwang Palace. Now that we have decided to fight back, of course we must fight back completely, so that everyone will face up to the strength of Qingyuan Taoist House and their existence!

Seeing Lin Yuantang's sharp eyes, Qiu Mingyi and others were all frightened. They looked at each other quickly, but no one answered.

When they decided to force Qingyuan Daofu to take action in front of the Heavenly King's Palace, they never dreamed that Lin Yuantang would be promoted to the realm of becoming a saint. Seeing that Chu Yuange failed miserably with one move, and his old face was slapped with a slap, they were really a little scared.

A tree is like a skin, and a person is like a face. In front of so many powerful people, it is certainly a good thing to embarrass Qingyuan Daofu, but it is obviously not a good thing to embarrass yourself.

"You don't have to worry. With the little wealth of Qingyuan Taoist House, it will be good for Lin Yuantang to be promoted to sainthood. Others don't need to be afraid." Seeing everyone's faces showing fear, Chu Yuange said comfortingly.

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