The last battle was fought by Gu Fenghua, which inevitably made people feel that the Qingyuan Taoist Palace was an anticlimax, and the lively quality of this battle was also much worse.

"Yes, Nan Qingyu was lucky enough to meet such a young palace supervisor." Others also shook their heads.

Hearing everyone's discussion, Nan Qingyu felt somewhat ashamed, but at the same time he became more determined and walked towards Gu Fenghua with big strides.

"Fenghua, why don't you give this one to me." At this moment, Su Guang pulled Gu Fenghua and said expectantly.

"Why?" Gu Fenghua asked inexplicably.

"Hey, after all, I am also a worshiper of the Taoist government. I can't let them take all the limelight?" Su Guang scratched his forehead and said a little shyly.

Oh, it turned out to be vanity. Gu Fenghua suddenly realized.

Su Guang had an outgoing temperament, and he had finally been promoted to Sainthood. If he didn't show off on such occasions, he wouldn't be worthy of his arrogant temperament.

"Okay, I'll leave it to you, be careful, don't be too careless." Gu Fenghua has always had the beauty of an adult, and of course he would not dissipate Su Guang's interest. He took two steps back and warned.

"Okay, okay, don't worry. With his little strength, he is no match for me, Su Guangsu." Su Guang said proudly.

The following facts proved that Gu Fenghua was right. The old man really burned the buns.

"Nan Qingyu, I will fight you in this battle. Don't blame me for not giving you a chance. It's too late for you to admit defeat now, otherwise don't blame me for being unkind later." Su Guang shook his head and raised his eyebrows. He strode forward, while circulating his holy energy, revealing a colorful holy rainbow between his eyebrows, and raising both palms at the same time.

Strange lights flickered in the left and right palms, each showing a mysterious pattern.

Holy Marks, this old Shaobao actually has two Holy Marks!

Not to mention the crowd of onlookers around, even Gu Fenghua almost screamed in surprise. She knew that the Su family had a profound background, but she never thought that Su Guang actually possessed two holy patterns. Even she, Gu Fenghua, only had one Cangchen holy pattern, and it was obviously not as complete as Su Guang's two holy patterns.

Nan Qingyu was still secretly glad that his opponent was Gu Fenghua, but he did not expect that Su Guang would take the initiative to fight against him in Gu Fenghua's place. He didn't even expect that this legendary old gambler would not only be promoted to the realm of sainthood, but also possess two holy marks. He was so frightened that his feet went weak and he almost fell to the ground.

What kind of fight is this? They are both at the first level of Saint Transformation. He has no advantage at all, not to mention that others have two holy marks. He still hopes to regain some face by relying on this battle, but it's almost like courting death!

However, the thousand-year battle between the two houses does not limit their identities. Anyone who belongs to their own Taoist house can fight. The so-called king of the house versus the king of the house, the chief of the house, the prisoner of the government, the prisoner of the government, is just a matter of habit. Su Guang must replace Gu Fenghua. Going out to fight, he couldn't object at all.

Looking at Su Guang, who was walking toward him with an arrogant expression and his hands raised in the air, Nan Qingyu felt like crying.

"We admit defeat in this battle!" Just when Nan Qingyu was riding a tiger and unable to dismount, Chu Yuange gritted his teeth and said with almost all his strength.

He didn't want to admit defeat if he could. At this point, even if Lan Qingyu died on the spot, it would be more glorious than admitting defeat on the spot.

But it's no good if he doesn't admit defeat. He and Qiu Mingyi Long Ancheng were seriously injured, and only Nan Qingyu, a strong man in the realm of sainthood, was left in the entire Tianxin Taoist Palace. If he was defeated and injured again, Tianxin Taoist Palace would not be able to fight again. Everyone who supports the scene is gone.

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