My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5974 5974 I was really tricked this time

Moreover, I have never heard that Su Guang possesses two holy patterns before. This is probably the first time in his life that he has used them. If his hand slips, even with Nan Qingyu's first-grade saint cultivation, he may not even think about his life. Keep.

"Admit defeat, well, those who know the current affairs are heroes, so that's good." Su Guang just wanted to show off his strength anyway. Seeing the unconcealable surprise in everyone's eyes, he was already satisfied, and did not hold on tightly, waving his hand. Said generously.

"I didn't expect that Qingyuan Taoist House would have such strength now, four saints, these are four saints." This result did not exceed everyone's expectations. Seeing Rulin's amnesty retreating in dejection Lan Qingyu, someone finally sighed with emotion.

"It seems that it is only a matter of time before the Qingyuan Taoist Palace makes a comeback and regains its former glory." Someone else said with envy.

Although the current Qingyuan Taoist House is far from being comparable to its heyday, the four saints are not comparable to those of ordinary Taoist houses.

"I don't know where Qingyuan Taoist House got such good luck, but there were four transformed saints all of a sudden. After this battle, Tianxin Taoist House will never be able to stand up again." Others looked at Chu Yuange and the others. Man, his eyes are full of pity.

It's just a fight in private, but to actually shoot yourself in the foot in front of so many people, it is estimated that the chief supervisors of the Tianxin Taoist Palace will never have the face to come out to see others.

Similar voices of discussion were like sharp knives, stabbing into the heartache of everyone in Tianxin Taoist House, causing their faces to twitch and twist in pain.

"Let's go." Chu Yuange stood up with a dark face and endured the pain, leading everyone outside.

"Mr. Chu Fu, don't leave in a hurry. There is also a bet, have you forgotten?" Before he could take a few steps, Su Guang shouted loudly and chased after him.

Chu Yuange's feet froze and his body shook violently a few times.

Don't tell me, he really forgot about the bet. At that time, he never thought that Lin Yuantang and others would be promoted to sainthood, and he didn't take the bet with Su Guang to heart at all. He just thought that the old man couldn't stand their humiliation and provocation, and he was so angry that he was in chaos.

Only then did he realize that the old man had already figured it out.

I was tricked, I was really tricked this time! My heart, which was already riddled with holes, felt another burst of heartbreaking pain.

"Here you go." Although he hated Su Guang and wanted to admit defeat, Chu Yuange didn't have the shame to refuse in front of so many people. He took out a few storage rings and threw them away with a dark face.

"Ah... I forgot about the business. You guys stay here for now. I'll be back soon." After Su Guang reminded him, Xiao Zilie thought of something, slapped his forehead, and rushed towards the dispersing crowd.

"Go quickly, go quickly, don't delay, otherwise it will be troublesome to find them again after they return to the Taoist mansion." Han Daocheng and Luo Zongtian urged, apparently even more anxious than him.

Xiao Zilie nodded and rushed into the crowd with lightning speed. As a result, many of the powerful men from various provinces who had just been frothing at the mouth and talking with gusto fell down, looking like they were about to cry without tears.

After a while, the crowd dispersed, and Su Guang and Xiao Zilie returned to Gu Fenghua with a bunch of storage rings in their hands.

"Fenghua!" Lin Yuantang, Chen Siyuan, and Zhuang Mengdie, who had won the victory, also came back. Before Su Guang could speak, they adjusted their clothes at the same time and bowed deeply to Gu Fenghua.

The smile on Su Guang's face faded, he straightened his clothes which were not in any way immoral, and bowed down with a solemn expression.

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