My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5976 5976 We should expect more from her

Before he finished speaking, Han Daocheng grabbed Xiao Zilie's hand holding the storage ring.

"Hurry up and give it back to me, otherwise don't blame me for falling out." Luo Zongtian also grabbed Xiao Zilie's neck.

"Let go, hurry up... let go, I told you I'll pay you back when I get back, why are you so petty, hurry up... let go." Xiao Zilie rolled his eyes because of his pinch, but refused to let go of the hand holding the storage ring.

As a result, I saw several princes strangled their necks, clenched their fingers, and twisted into a ball in an instant.

Gu Fenghua and Lin Yuantang looked at each other, dumbfounded, and quickly ran away while they were making a big fuss.

In front of the Heavenly King's Palace, Pang Shidao and Shen Yuting looked at this scene and were equally dumbfounded.

"According to the information I have learned, Gu Fenghua is outstanding in her alchemy skills. Before her experience in Qingyuan Daochi, she had refined Taoist elixirs for various Dao mansions. Now it seems that I have underestimated her alchemy skills. The promotion of Lin Yuantang and others to sainthood is probably related to her." After a while, Shen Yuting said thoughtfully.

"This is the only possibility. If it weren't for her, it would have been impossible for the four Lin Yuantang to be promoted to sainthood at the same time with the remaining wealth of Qingyuan Taoist House." Pang Shidao nodded and looked at Gu Fenghua sneaking away. As he walked away, his eyes showed a little more admiration.

"So, I may have underestimated her strength." Shen Yuting continued.

"It's not just you, I may have underestimated her. Maybe I should expect more from her." Pang Shidao stroked his beard and smiled.

"By the way, Senior Brother Su, how much did you pick up just now?" Gu Fenghua asked Su Guangdao excitedly after avoiding the entanglement of Han Daocheng and others.

"Well, these are all yours." Su Guang handed several storage rings to Gu Fenghua.

"So many!" Gu Fenghua looked at Su Guang in surprise.

The total number of Taoist Spirit Stones in several storage rings is over one million! Didn't Su Guang say he had 300,000 yuan in custody for her? She had only been in Qingyuan Taoist Mansion for more than half a year. Even if the palace supervisor had some salary, it was not much more. The 300,000 yuan was obviously from Su Guang and Lin Yuantang. Borrowed it from a few people.

Now after deducting the principal, she still got back millions. How did Su Guang do it?

"Well, who said we have to pay one for one? Anyway, Tianxin Taoist Palace doesn't pay attention to our Qingyuan Taoist House at all. They are willing to pay four to one and five for one." Su Guang said with a smile. The deputy looks like a treacherous person.

Pay five to one... Gu Fenghua shuddered. No wonder Chu Yuange's old face turned so dark, even she felt heartache for them.

As night fell, there was no one practicing in the square. People from various provinces came to see him off in small groups, all busy giving their last instructions to their descendants before leaving. Of course, Lin Yuantang and others were no exception.

"Fenghua, the Xuming Ancient Territory is not as good as the major star territories in the Supreme Heaven. You must not be careless after going there." Lin Yuantang said to Gu Fenghua with a serious face.

The Xuming Ancient Territory is the battlefield of the demon-defeating expedition, and it is also a forbidden area in the Supreme Heaven.

"Senior Brother Lin, what is the origin of the Xuming Ancient Territory?" Gu Fenghua asked curiously.

“The so-called Xuming Ancient Territory is actually a celestial realm composed of one hundred and twenty-nine star realms. Its vast territory is not much different from the four major king realms today.

Hundreds of thousands of years ago, these star regions were controlled by Emperor Xuming, who was the most powerful Emperor at that time. It is said that with his strength, he could have unified the world, but he fell short due to the fate of the calamity. If not, it would not have been the turn of Emperor Lingxu to accomplish this immortal feat. "

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