My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5977 5977What is cannon fodder?

“However, it is precisely because the Xuming Heavenly Emperor was so powerful that the world was in turmoil when he fell. More than a hundred star fields were connected into a continent, and the laws of heaven and earth were also distorted, forming the Xuming Ancient Territory today.

If a strong man in the Dao Saint realm enters the Xuming Ancient Realm, it will definitely cause a calamity, and most likely his life will not be saved. Entering the Xuming Ancient Realm with the cultivation level of the Holy Transformation Realm, although it is possible to cause a disaster, the risk is much smaller, and the lower the strength, the smaller the risk.

For this reason, many criminals would hide in the Xuming Ancient Realm when they had no other way out. As time went by, this heavenly realm became a lawless place in the supreme heaven.

Later, some races that were unwilling to surrender to the Emperor of Heaven also fled to the Xuming Ancient Realm. The most famous among them was the Demon Race.

Tens of thousands of years ago, the demon clan offended Emperor Haokong for unknown reasons and caused the annihilation of the clan. The descendants of the clan suffered heavy casualties and fled into the Xuming Ancient Realm after committing all their crimes.

If they are ordinary criminals, the Emperor of Heaven would not bother to take them seriously, but the demons are different. You must know that the demon clan in the past was a powerful race on par with the Holy Dragon clan. How could the Emperor of Heaven allow them to do evil and hide freely in the Xuming Ancient Realm? He wanted to eradicate them.

This is the origin of the Demon-Destroying Campaign. " Lin Yuantang explained to Gu Fenghua carefully.

"What is the strength of the people in the Xuming Ancient Territory?" Gu Fenghua then asked.

After all, it was related to her own safety, so even if Lin Yuantang didn't remind her, she wouldn't be careless.

"The laws of heaven and earth in the Xuming Ancient Territory are distorted. Once a strong person above the Dao Saint enters, it will cause a calamity. For the same reason, cultivators who hide in the Xuming Ancient Territory cannot be promoted to the Dao Saint. At most, they can only cultivate to Ninth level of sainthood.

And the higher the cultivation level, the greater the chance of causing a disaster. Although the Xuming Ancient Territory can find treasures that are worthy of calamity, not everyone can enjoy them, so in general, their strength will not be too strong. But..." Lin Yuantang changed the topic here and looked at Gu Fenghua worriedly.

"That's only for others. With your current strength, you are still very dangerous." After a pause, Lin Yuantang continued.

Gu Fenghua smiled slightly. Until now, Lin Yuantang and others thought that her cultivation had only reached the ninth level of the Holy Saint and had not been able to break through the threshold of becoming a saint. They did not know what their expressions would be like when they knew her true cultivation.

"Actually, those people in the Xuming Ancient Territory don't have to worry too much. In such a big place, as long as you don't take the initiative to provoke them, they may not have the leisure time to seek your bad luck. If it doesn't work, find a place to hide in the Demon Slayer. That's it when the war is over.

What we really have to worry about are the other strong men participating in the demon-defeating expedition, especially the strong men from the other three kings. "Chen Siyuan said.

But at this point, he stopped again, as if waiting for Gu Fenghua to ask questions.

"Yes, I understand. After we arrived in the Xuming Ancient Territory, we no longer had any restrictions. In order to compete for the treasure that should be robbed, there will always be people who do whatever it takes. The weak will eat the strong, and the strong will be respected. In a place like this, it is even more natural.

And even if I want to hide until the end of the demon-slaying expedition, others will not let me do so. People like me are the best cannon fodder. "It's not like Gu Fenghua has never participated in such an experience. How could he not understand the dangers involved? He already knew it, so there was no need to ask more questions.

"It's good if you understand, it's good if you understand." Chen Siyuan was originally waiting for Gu Fenghua to ask questions, but he didn't expect that she could see so thoroughly, and he felt relieved immediately.

"What is cannon fodder?" Su Guang asked curiously.

"It's just a stepping stone to death." Gu Fenghua explained.

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