My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5989 5989 As long as she dies

"King Mingjing didn't say it clearly, but it seemed that he was already attracted. However, the words of King Xiaoyao and King Zhenxing were not entirely true, and my subordinates didn't know what they were planning." Han Tianxing noticed the displeasure in his eyes, I didn't dare to make any more moves this time, so I said honestly.

"These two old guys, do you really think I can't do anything to them?" Emperor Haokong said angrily.

"Your Majesty has given them all kinds of favors over the years, but they are so ignorant. It is really hateful!" Han Tianxing said with the same hatred.

"Hmph, if they really want to seek death, then let them go." A murderous intent flashed through Emperor Haokong's eyes.

"Your Majesty, I will arrange manpower immediately!" Seeing the murderous intent in his eyes, Han Tianxing felt happy.

He has been waiting for the throne of the King of Heaven for many years.

In the past, Emperor Haokong's foundation was unstable, and he did not dare to have too many extravagant hopes. Over the years, Emperor Haokong secretly cultivated strong men, and his subordinates became more and more powerful, and his ambitions also grew bigger and bigger.

"Wait, it's not impossible to get rid of them, but the Four Saints of Heaven have been missing for many years. Now we have to rely on a few of them old guys to suppress the robbery. They can't be touched for the time being." Unfortunately, this time he was disappointed again. Emperor Haokong Although I hated those kings with a passion, when it came time to take action, I hesitated again.

"Yes." Disappointed, Han Tianxing responded respectfully.

He knew that Emperor Haokong was so tolerant of the four heavenly kings out of helplessness. Although with the power he secretly cultivated, he had a chance to get rid of the four heavenly kings, but in terms of basic knowledge, the strong men he secretly cultivated were still unable to compare with the four heavenly kings. At least they were all powerful in the face of the calamity. No arrest.

In this case, unless Emperor Haokong is willing to risk the entire Supreme Heaven and his own life and death, he will have to rely on the four heavenly kings.

"After all, they have followed me for so many years, and they have worked hard without any merit. I will give them another chance. If they are willing to return to their hearts completely, I don't have to be the same as them." As the emperor of heaven, he is always tied up, facing several people who are both obedient and treacherous. The Heavenly King was even more helpless. Emperor Haokong probably felt a little embarrassed himself, and said as if to comfort himself.

Thinking back to those days, when Emperor Lingxu ruled the supreme heaven, there were countless powerful people from all over the world who were not sincerely convinced and obeyed his words. How could he wait until he sat on the throne of the Emperor as he wished, but those old people were obedient and insubordinate, and none of them made him feel at ease. .

Thinking like this, even he felt aggrieved.

"Yes, His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor has a broad mind, and his subordinates admire him." He could comfort himself, but Han Tianxing couldn't agree with him, so he could only give a dry compliment.

"Go down. Although I haven't been able to find that person, I have been feeling uneasy lately, so I still can't be careless. If you continue to search for her whereabouts carefully, once you find her, she will be killed without mercy!

As long as she dies, those old guys will give up, and they are not afraid that they will not return to me. It won't be long before you will have a place among the kings of heaven. " Emperor Haokong saw his loss and comforted him with words.

In order to show the favor of being close, he no longer even calls himself me.

"I will obey your orders and live up to your majesty's trust." Han Tianxing perked up and said loudly.

After bowing and saluting, Han Tianxing left the Heavenly Palace in high spirits.

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