My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5990 5990 If you have anything to say, just say it.

Emperor Haokong sat in the Heavenly Palace for a long time, and finally raised his head to look at the misty distance of Lingyun, and sighed softly: "The greedy wolf has many plans, and the army is good at making decisions. Seven Kills, after all, is still a step away. Some things are better. It's only appropriate that I need to step forward myself..."

With a helpless sigh, his majestic figure swayed slightly and floated away towards a certain Heavenly King's Palace.

In the Xuming Ancient Territory, the aura of heaven and earth was in chaos. In the dark sky, the dark clouds flowed rapidly in the strong wind, blending and colliding with each other. From time to time, a thunderbolt fell to the earth, and a dull thunder sounded.

The earth was barren, and all the vegetation was listless. The entire Xuming Ancient Territory feels lifeless and lifeless.

While secretly running the technique, many people's expressions changed slightly.

To put it into detail, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the Xuming Ancient Territory is actually very abundant, even more than twice as strong as that of other major star regions, but this spiritual energy is too chaotic. The auras of heaven and earth from various star regions and planes were mixed together in such a mess, and a large part of them could not be absorbed and refined at all. If they were forcibly refined, they would probably have their meridians explode and cause serious injuries if they were not careful.

If you practice in a place like this, you will get twice the result with half the effort, and the chance of going crazy will also increase exponentially.

Feeling the chaotic spiritual energy, Gu Fenghua's expression became extremely strange. In such a chaotic spiritual energy, it is difficult for ordinary people to restore the holy energy, let alone practice. But to her, it had no effect at all.

The cultivation technique tailor-made for her by her father could originally absorb and refine different auras from different planes at will. After taking the Tianxu Dao sacred herb, she cut her veins and cleansed her marrow again, and her bloodline also underwent subtle changes. changes. This chaotic aura seems to be more suitable for her current physique. Not only does it have no effect on her, the speed of absorption and refining is even ten times faster than before.

The Xuming Ancient Territory is a forbidden land for others, but for her, it is clearly an excellent paradise!

Ignoring the others, Gu Fenghua sat cross-legged on the spot and began to practice.

Yesterday, Pang Shidao turned the clouds and rain with one hand, and the spiritual flowers bloomed in front of the Heavenly King's Palace. Many people took this opportunity to break through the bottleneck and advance to another level of cultivation. Although she failed to advance, she also faintly touched the bottleneck. At this time, she had just entered the Xuming Ancient Realm. , there is nothing dangerous yet, just try to break through the bottleneck and improve your cultivation.

“Everyone, as the saying goes, a group of dragons cannot be without a leader, and the world cannot be without a king. It is the same reason why we came to the Xuming Ancient Territory to slay demons and suppress rebellion today.

The demon clan is rebellious, cunning, cunning and vicious, and it occupies the right place at the right time in the Xuming Ancient Territory. If we are scattered and fight on our own, I am afraid that within a few days, we will be defeated one by one by it and suffer its poisonous hands. The only way..." At this time, a tall, middle-aged man with a fierce face jumped up to a mound in front of him and spoke loudly to everyone.

"If you have anything to say, just say it. Why go around in such a big circle?" Someone interrupted impatiently.

"Yes, yes, if you have something to say, just say it and stop beating around the bush." ​​Others also agreed.

"In that case, I will make it clear. According to past practice, it is best for us to elect a leader first and follow his orders in everything. What do you think?" said the middle-aged man.

"Since it is a routine, it is best to follow the routine, but I don't know who to recommend as the leader?" asked a young man.

"Lin Yujing, the commander of Tianling Guard under the throne of Tianlao Star King, asked himself how much cultivation he still has and is willing to take on this important task." The middle-aged man said arrogantly.

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