My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5999 5999 This is not the way to seek death.

Even though they saw the token last night, they already knew Ning Yu'er's identity, and even guessed that his strength was definitely not weak. But he didn't expect that at his age, he would reach the fifth level of Saint Transformation.

What's more, he didn't expect that the long sword he wore on his waist was actually the Xiaoyao Divine Sword that was most cherished by King Xiaoyao.

With such a level of cultivation and such a divine sword, how could Gu Fenghua not die?

"Chu Yuange, it turns out it's you! You are no match for our Qingyuan Taoist House, and you actually resorted to such despicable tricks with the help of outsiders. The dignified Tianxin Taoist House is so shameless!" There is no need to say anything more, just look at them With an expression on his face, he also knew that this matter must be related to Tianxin Taoist Palace. Lin Yuantang pointed at Chu Yuange and several people and cursed harshly.

"Lin Yuantang, you can take medicine randomly, but you can't talk nonsense.

I admit that Ning Yu'er has some connections with my Tianxin Taoist House, but what happened today has nothing to do with my Tianxin Taoist House.

Besides, he is a descendant of King Xiaoyao. How could our Tianxin Taoist government have the ability to instigate him? "Chu Yuange said confidently.

Ning Yu'er came to visit last night, and many people saw it with their own eyes, so of course he couldn't deny the connection between Ning Yu'er and Tianxin Taoist House.

But he couldn't admit it at all that he had used the help of outsiders to assassinate his disciples in the royal domain.

Anyway, Ning Yu'er has already gone to Xuming Ancient Territory, and she is not afraid of Lin Yuantang and others confronting him. Besides, given their status, do they have the qualifications to confront someone else's Queen?

"Master Fu, there is no need to argue with him. Let's find Mr. Xingjun and Mr. Tianwang to seek justice." Su Guang pulled Lin Yuantang and said eagerly.

Lin Yuantang immediately calmed down and realized that he was concerned and confused. Is there any point in fighting with Chu Yuange? Even if he admitted that this matter was all a conspiracy of the Tianxin Taoist government, he would only be severely punished by Lord Tianwang afterwards, which would not be of any help to Gu Fenghua.

The most urgent task at hand is to find a way to stop that person first and save Gu Fenghua first.

Without further words, Lin Yuantang quickly rushed towards the Heavenly Palace.

Gu Fenghua was currently in the Xuming Ancient Realm, and only the Holy King of Heaven could save her. He only hoped that she could be smarter and find a way to delay for a moment, giving the King of Heaven time to take action.

Unfortunately, things went against his wishes. Just as he set off, he heard another exclamation from the crowd.

Lin Yuantang turned to look at Xuming Ancient Realm and saw Gu Fenghua standing up and walking towards the beautiful young man with a frosty face.

"She, what does she want to do!" Lin Yuantang stared, feeling his feet weak and almost falling to the ground.

Behind him, Su Guang and the others also looked at each other, their faces turned ashen, as if all their strength had been drained away in an instant.

"Too young and too impulsive. Isn't this looking for death?"

"Yes, no matter how aggressive the descendant of the Ning family is, she shouldn't be so impulsive. This is not the way to seek death."

"This is troublesome. If she accepts the challenge on her own, even if the King of Heaven comes forward, it will be difficult to stop her." Everyone around was stunned by Gu Fenghua's actions and sighed.

"Lord Heavenly King..." In front of the Heavenly King's Palace, Shen Yuting also looked anxious.

"Don't worry, this junior of the Ning family is a bit shameful. I gave Ning Qingsi face and gave him this opportunity just now. He actually doesn't know what is good and comes to show off his power in our Spirit Saint King's territory. He should be taught a lesson." Master Pang said coldly. He snorted and said dissatisfiedly.

Even though they saw the token last night, they already knew Ning Yu'er's identity, and even guessed that his strength was definitely not weak. But he didn't expect that at his age, he would reach the fifth level of Saint Transformation.

What's more, he didn't expect that the long sword he wore on his waist was actually the Xiaoyao Divine Sword that was most cherished by King Xiaoyao.

With such a level of cultivation and such a divine sword, how could Gu Fenghua not die?

"Chu Yuange, it turns out it's you! You are no match for our Qingyuan Taoist House, and you actually resorted to such despicable tricks with the help of outsiders. The dignified Tianxin Taoist House is so shameless!" There is no need to say anything more, just look at them With an expression on his face, he also knew that this matter must be related to Tianxin Taoist Palace. Lin Yuantang pointed at Chu Yuange and several people and cursed harshly.

"Lin Yuantang, you can take medicine randomly, but you can't talk nonsense.

I admit that Ning Yu'er has some connections with my Tianxin Taoist House, but what happened today has nothing to do with my Tianxin Taoist House.

Besides, he is a descendant of King Xiaoyao. How could our Tianxin Taoist government have the ability to instigate him? "Chu Yuange said confidently.

Ning Yu'er came to visit last night, and many people saw it with their own eyes, so of course he couldn't deny the connection between Ning Yu'er and Tianxin Taoist House.

But he couldn't admit it at all that he had used the help of outsiders to assassinate his disciples in the royal domain.

Anyway, Ning Yu'er has already gone to Xuming Ancient Territory, and she is not afraid of Lin Yuantang and others confronting him. Besides, given their status, do they have the qualifications to confront someone else's Queen?

"Master Fu, there is no need to argue with him. Let's find Mr. Xingjun and Mr. Tianwang to seek justice." Su Guang pulled Lin Yuantang and said eagerly.

Lin Yuantang immediately calmed down and realized that he was concerned and confused. Is there any point in fighting with Chu Yuange? Even if he admitted that this matter was all a conspiracy of the Tianxin Taoist government, he would only be severely punished by Lord Tianwang afterwards, which would not be of any help to Gu Fenghua.

The most urgent task at hand is to find a way to stop that person and save Gu Fenghua first.

Without further words, Lin Yuantang quickly rushed towards the Heavenly Palace.

Gu Fenghua was currently in the Xuming Ancient Realm, and only the Holy King of Heaven could save her. He only hoped that she could be smarter and find a way to delay for a moment, giving the King of Heaven time to take action.

Unfortunately, things backfired. Just as he set off, he heard another exclamation from the crowd.

Lin Yuantang turned to look at Xuming Ancient Realm and saw Gu Fenghua standing up and walking towards the beautiful young man with a frosty face.

"She, what does she want to do!" Lin Yuantang stared, feeling his feet weak and almost falling to the ground.

Behind him, Su Guang and the others also looked at each other, their faces turned ashen, as if all their strength had been drained away in an instant.

"Too young and too impulsive. Isn't this looking for death?"

"Yes, no matter how aggressive the descendant of the Ning family is, she shouldn't be so impulsive. This is not the way to seek death."

"This is troublesome. If she accepts the challenge on her own, even if the King of Heaven comes forward, it will be difficult to stop her." Everyone around was stunned by Gu Fenghua's actions and sighed.

"Lord Heavenly King..." In front of the Heavenly King's Palace, Shen Yuting also looked anxious.

"Don't worry, this junior of the Ning family is a bit shameful. I gave Ning Qingsi face and gave him this opportunity just now. He actually doesn't know what is good and comes to show off his power in our Spirit Saint King's territory. He should be taught a lesson." Master Pang said coldly. He snorted and said dissatisfiedly.

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