My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 6000 6000 They all misunderstood

Um? Get a lesson, who is teaching whom? Shen Yuting was stunned when he heard the words, swallowed back what he had not finished, and looked at the Xuming Ancient Territory again.

"Are you really sure that you want to fight me?" Soon, Gu Fenghua came to Ning Yu'er, tilted his head, and looked at him with a strange look.

"I didn't want to come to you so early. After all, it wouldn't be good for them to see me, but since no one else is willing to take action with me, there's nothing I can do." Ning Yu'er said helplessly.

"Actually, I don't want to fight with you, I'm afraid I can't help it." Gu Fenghua became even more helpless.

When I stood closer, I realized that this guy's skin was like snow, as delicate as fat, and his skin was even better than it looked from a distance.

Really, it really felt like a fist hitting it!

"What can't you bear?" Ning Yu'er was a little confused after hearing her words.

"Nothing, just do it quickly. I'm still in a hurry to break through, so don't waste time. Also, I will try my best to hold back, but some things may not be what I want. If I can't hold back, don't blame me." Gu Fenghua was too lazy to explain and urged.

"Okay, I will try my best to hold back and try to save your life." Although she didn't say it explicitly, it was obvious that she didn't take Ning Yu'er seriously. Ning Yu'er suddenly became angry, and raised her brows again, showing that cute expression that was both angry and angry, making people want to rush forward and punch her twice.

Before he finished speaking, the Xiaoyao Divine Sword pierced out again.

The sword is like snow, and the person is like jade. Although she had an angry look on her face, Ning Yu'er was still independent and independent in her flowing clothes. She walked slightly, wearing socks and dust, as if she was floating like a fairy.

"With one sword, the saint returns to his origin!" Gu Fenghua, however, had no intention of admiring it, and simply slashed out with a single sword.

Yes, compared with the previous eight swords, the last sword of the Eight Swords Guiyuan is so simple, as simple as a child who doesn't understand sword skills at all.

However, as five rainbows appeared between her eyebrows, this sword became not so simple.

This sword is so natural and majestic.

"She is a fifth-level saint!" Seeing these five holy rainbows, there was a cry of exclamation from the crowd.

Previously, Gu Fenghua was too young and no one took her seriously. Seeing her sitting down cross-legged and running her skills as soon as she arrived in the Xuming Ancient Territory, they thought she couldn't adapt to the chaotic spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and even looked down upon her: With such little strength, she actually dared to participate in the Demon-Slaying Competition. levy!

Who would have thought that they all saw it wrong. This Gu Fenghua was actually a powerful person in the fifth level of Saint Transformation.

Fortunately, she didn't say anything sarcastic at the time, otherwise her face might have been swollen by this time. Looking at the five holy rainbows, many people were secretly thankful.

"Fifth Stage of Transformation Saint!" The same exclamation sounded in front of the Heavenly King's Palace.

Just yesterday, many people felt sorry for Nan Qingyu, feeling that he failed to face Gu Fenghua, but faced Su Guang, missing the best opportunity to save some face for Tianxin Taoist House.

It wasn't until this moment that they knew they were wrong. Fortunately, Nan Qingyu faced Su Guang instead of Gu Fenghua, otherwise he would have been tortured to pieces without even a chance to admit defeat and beg for mercy.

"When did Fenghua reach the fifth level of Saint Transformation?" Lin Yuantang, Zhuang Mengdie, and Chen Siyuan all looked dull.

"I understand, I understand. Fenghua was promoted to Saint Transformation at the same time as us last time. It's just that she didn't even expect that she would be promoted from the ninth level of Holy Saint to the fifth level of Transformation Saint. That's why her expression at that time was so strange. . I was right, it turns out I was right." Su Guang came to his senses and laughed loudly.

Um? Get a lesson, who is teaching whom? Shen Yuting was stunned when he heard the words, swallowed back what he had not finished, and looked at the Xuming Ancient Territory again.

"Are you really sure that you want to fight me?" Soon, Gu Fenghua came to Ning Yu'er, tilted his head, and looked at him with a strange look.

"I didn't want to come to you so early. After all, it wouldn't be good for them to see me, but since no one else is willing to take action with me, there's nothing I can do." Ning Yu'er said helplessly.

"Actually, I don't want to fight with you, I'm afraid I can't help it." Gu Fenghua became even more helpless.

When I stood closer, I realized that this guy's skin was like snow, as delicate as fat, and his skin was even better than it looked from a distance.

Really, it really felt like a fist hitting it!

"What can't you bear?" Ning Yu'er was a little confused after hearing her words.

"Nothing, just do it quickly. I'm still in a hurry to break through, so don't waste time. Also, I will try my best to hold back, but some things may not be what I want. If I can't hold back, don't blame me." Gu Fenghua was too lazy to explain and urged.

"Okay, I will try my best to hold back and try to save your life." Although she didn't say it explicitly, it was obvious that she didn't take Ning Yu'er seriously. Ning Yu'er suddenly became angry, and raised her brows again, showing that cute expression that was both angry and angry, making people want to rush forward and punch her twice.

Before he finished speaking, the Xiaoyao Divine Sword pierced out again.

The sword is like snow, and the person is like jade. Although she had an angry look on her face, Ning Yu'er was still independent and independent in her flowing clothes. She walked slightly, wearing socks and dust, as if she was floating like a fairy.

"With one sword, the saint returns to his origin!" Gu Fenghua, however, had no intention of admiring it, and simply slashed out with a single sword.

Yes, compared with the previous eight swords, the last sword of the Eight Swords Guiyuan is so simple, as simple as a child who doesn't understand sword skills at all.

However, as five rainbows appeared between her eyebrows, this sword became not so simple.

This sword is so natural and majestic.

"She is a fifth-level saint!" Seeing these five holy rainbows, there was a cry of exclamation from the crowd.

Previously, Gu Fenghua was too young and no one took her seriously. Seeing her sitting down cross-legged and running her skills as soon as she arrived in the Xuming Ancient Territory, they thought she couldn't adapt to the chaotic spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and even looked down upon her: With such little strength, she actually dared to participate in the Demon-Slaying Competition. levy!

Who would have thought that they all saw it wrong. This Gu Fenghua was actually a powerful person in the fifth level of Saint Transformation.

Fortunately, she didn't say anything sarcastic at the time, otherwise her face might have been swollen by this time. Looking at the five holy rainbows, many people were secretly thankful.

"Fifth Stage of Transformation Saint!" The same exclamation sounded in front of the Heavenly King's Palace.

Just yesterday, many people felt sorry for Nan Qingyu, feeling that he failed to face Gu Fenghua, but faced Su Guang, missing the best opportunity to save some face for Tianxin Taoist House.

It wasn't until this moment that they knew they were wrong. Fortunately, Nan Qingyu faced Su Guang instead of Gu Fenghua, otherwise he would have been tortured to pieces without even a chance to admit defeat and beg for mercy.

"When did Fenghua reach the fifth level of Saint Transformation?" Lin Yuantang, Zhuang Mengdie, and Chen Siyuan all looked dull.

"I understand, I understand. Fenghua was promoted to Saint Transformation at the same time as us last time. It's just that she didn't even expect that she would be promoted from the ninth level of Holy Saint to the fifth level of Transformation Saint. That's why her expression at that time was so strange. . I was right, it turns out I was right." Su Guang came to his senses and laughed loudly.

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