My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 6008 6008She suddenly discovered

Her biggest purpose in coming to the Xuming Ancient Territory was to find the treasure that should be the calamity. However, in the past three days, not a single person was seen. The so-called treasure that should be the calamity was not found at all, not even a decent one. Not even a few Daolingcao plants were found.

If this continues, their trip may be in vain. The only good thing is that everyone can save their lives. However, this is not what Gu Fenghua wants.

"This..." Lin Yujing and Feng Qirui hesitated, seeming to be struggling with something.

"Sir!" Before they could come to a conclusion, someone suddenly exclaimed.

At one end of the valley, more than a dozen strong men wearing black armor suddenly appeared.

Demons! No one would have thought that they had spent the past few days trying so hard that their eyes would pop out of their heads without finding any trace of the demons, but they would meet them unexpectedly at the most exhausted time. Everyone was startled when they saw the strong figures, the fierce faces, and the armors on their bodies that were full of murderous aura.

Seeing Gu Fenghua and others, the other party was obviously surprised. At the same time, they stopped and pressed their hands on the hilts of their swords. Someone else raised the giant ax on his shoulder and looked at them warily.

The demons are the demons. Although they haven't taken action yet, everyone can already feel the murderous intent in them. Everyone subconsciously cheered up and tried their best to increase their holy energy.

"Sir, do you want to take action first?" Lin Yujing and Feng Qirui were from the Tianling Guards. They had experienced battles for a long time and came to their senses earlier than the others. One hand pressed the hilt of the sword, and the other pressed the hilt of the sword, calmly. Ask Gu Fenghua Road.

This question was obviously unnecessary, because after only a brief moment of shock, the other party roared at the same time: "They are the people of the Supreme God, kill them!"

Amid the roars, they could be seen drawing their swords, raising their axes, and flying towards them with murderous intent.

"Kill!" Lin Yujing and Feng Qirui's vow to follow him to the death was not just a casual talk. As soon as they saw the other party taking the initiative, they had already killed each other head on without waiting for Gu Fenghua to give the order.

Although everyone had some instinctive fear of the demons due to repeated warnings from their elders, after all, they were superior in numbers, and Lin Yujing and Feng Qirui were leading the way, so the others immediately cheered up and had high fighting spirit. Followed.

"One sword, falling from the sky!" Gu Fenghua originally did not want to be an enemy of the demons, but the other party took the initiative. Of course, she could not wait for the killing, nor could she hide behind and watch the fun. With a clear shout, she flew out and killed herself. The strongest sword.

Even if she had the numerical advantage, she would not dare to underestimate the enemy in the face of such a fierce demon.

The others obviously thought so too, and everyone tried their best to exert their most powerful skills on the holy energy that had finally been restored.

Amid the killing cries, holy rainbows appeared between everyone's brows, and hundreds of swords and swords intertwined like a net, overwhelming the opponent's crowd.

"Wait, stay alive!" Suddenly, Gu Fenghua shouted.

It wasn't until this sword was slashed that she suddenly realized that although the opponent looked ferocious, his strength was really not worth mentioning. The strongest among them was only at the third level of Saint Transformation, and the weakest was not even at the level of Saint Transformation.

She didn't think much about it just now, but then she thought, wouldn't it be much easier to find the treasure if she caught him alive?

It's a pity that she spoke up a little late. Everyone had already tried their best, and they didn't stop at any time. In fact, not to mention others, even she herself had no time to stop, so she could only work hard to withdraw the holy energy and reduce the power of the sword to its weakest.

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