Before Gu Fenghua could even finish his voice, hundreds of sword rays had already landed on the opponent's body, without missing any of them.

"Ah..." Amidst the screams, the group of murderous men in black fell to the ground one after another. Even the screams only came out halfway before ending abruptly.

When Gu Fenghua and others landed again, there were only two or three lifeless corpses left in front of them, and the others were directly turned into nothingness by their crisscrossing swords and swords.

At the same time, the talismans worn by everyone flashed at the same time, and a gold star shone faintly.

This is the way to calculate the results of the Demon-Conquering Campaign. Every time a demon rebel of the first level of Saint Transformation is killed, a golden star will light up. If a strong person of the second level of Saint Transformation is killed, a golden star will light up. Shine two gold stars. By analogy, the more rebellious demons killed and the higher their strength, the more gold stars will light up in the talisman.

It is said that this is because the demons have lived in the ancient realm of Xuming for a long time, and because the laws of heaven and earth are distorted, the holy energy in the body is slightly different from that of the cultivators of the Supreme Heaven, so they will touch this spiritual talisman of Xuming.

If they fight each other, no matter how high the opponent's cultivation level is, the Void Spirit Talisman will not have any reaction.

Logically speaking, everyone should check their results immediately after killing the demons, but now, no one does that. They stare blankly at the corpses in front of them, and everyone has a blank look on their face.

"So weak?" A Taoist disciple put away his sword and said a little disappointed.

His cultivation has just entered the realm of becoming a saint. According to Gu Fenghua, joining the demon-killing expedition is just cannon fodder. He himself also had this realization. He thought that he would most likely die in the hands of the demons and have his bones buried in the Xuming Ancient Realm. Who would have known that the legendary demons, who were so brutal and cruel and unblinking in killing people, would become so weak that they could even There are people weaker than him.

"They are not demons." Feng Qirui said.

"Not a demon?" The Taoist disciple looked at him doubtfully.

"This man's name is Kang Wei'ao, a disciple of Luofeng Taoist Mansion. Hundreds of years ago, in order to seize the position of the Mansion Master, he framed his senior brother to poison the Mansion Master. After the incident, he killed dozens of fellow disciples and fled to Xuming. Ancient Territory." Feng Qirui pointed at the tall corpse on the ground and said.

"This person's name is Luo Qingyan. He was originally a captain of the Heavenly Army under the throne of Lord Tianshu. He killed hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians indiscriminately because of a few quarrels. He was wanted by the King of Zhenxing. His whereabouts were unknown later. It turned out that he escaped to Xuming Ancient Realm." Lin Yujing pointed at another corpse and said.

Only then did everyone realize that the Demons were not the only ones in the Xuming Ancient Territory. There were also many Taoist disciples who committed crimes in the Supreme Heaven, or Xingjun's subordinates who violated the laws of heaven and had no choice but to avoid trouble.

Because these people are not good people, and they are also in the Xuming Ancient Realm, so as time goes by, they are habitually collectively called demons, and they are also the targets of their demon-killing expedition.

Although these people are also strong, compared with the real demons, their overall strength is still much lower.

"It's a pity, there should be a few left alive." The Taoist disciple said regretfully.

Others are equally upset, but everyone is dead, so any talk is in vain.

"By the way, did you think of a way just now?" Gu Fenghua looked at Lin Yujing and Feng Qirui and asked.

"This..." The two of them were still hesitant, but this time, their eyes flickered, glancing over Ning Yu'er intentionally or unintentionally.

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