My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 6011 6011 Fenghua’s Mother

"But it's not easy for you to be companions when you come to the Xuming Ancient Territory. I can't bear to watch you lose your life for no reason, so I will help you." So, Ning Yu'er immediately acted like He squatted back like a quail and spoke as fast as he could.

It was really difficult for him. After talking for so long, he didn't pause or even take a breath.

While speaking, he quickly threw a scroll to Gu Fenghua.

Everyone around was stunned again: He was worthy of being the descendant of King Xiaoyao, and he was indeed very bloody.

Gu Fenghua took the scroll. This is obviously a divine weapon, but there is no seal or restriction, and with her divine mind, she cannot detect any danger.

Injecting the holy energy into it, there was a flash of light, the scroll opened on its own, and an ink painting appeared in front of the eyes. The light was reflected in the air, making people feel as if they were actually there.

The scroll is not large, but most of the mountains and valleys are clearly visible. Only a few places are shrouded in thick fog. At the very edge of the scroll, a little crystal light shines, which seems to be exactly where they are at this time.

"Is this the map of the Xuming Ancient Territory?" Gu Fenghua asked, looking towards the place shrouded in thick fog.

"That's right." Ning Yu'er replied, noticing her gaze, and didn't wait for her to ask, or crack her knuckles, and said in a very obedient and sensible manner, "The place shrouded in thick fog is where the ancient Xuming people are hiding. It is a place where the remnants of various races in the domain live, among which the demon race is the main one, and there are also some monster races, and it is said that there are also demon plants, such as the Qingyuan clan and the Fusang Shenmu clan."

"What, the Qingyuan clan and the Fusang clan also rebelled against Supreme Heaven and hid in the Xuming Ancient Territory!" Hearing this, many people around looked surprised.

Gu Fenghua was a little confused. Before setting off, Lin Yuantang specifically mentioned some secrets of the Xuming Ancient Territory to her. As far as she knew, over the years, the Demon Clan was not the only one who had to hide in the Xuming Ancient Territory because they were unwilling to surrender to the Haokong Emperor and suffered genocide. It was not surprising that there were also the Qingyuan Clan and the Fusang Clan. How could everyone be so surprised?

Could it be that there is something different between these two races?

"You may not know something, but the Qingyuan clan belongs to the phoenix lineage and is the royal family among the phoenixes. It is said that the maids around Emperor Lingxu and Queen Tian were from the Qingyuan clan.

The Fusang clan is even more remarkable. It is rumored that the former Queen Lingxu has a close relationship with the Fusang clan. Some people even speculate that the Queen herself was born from the Fusang Shenmu clan.

What! This time it was Gu Fenghua's turn to be surprised.

Her mother might have been transformed from the Fuso tree!

Although she already knows that the Supreme Heaven is different from the next plane. Not only many monsters can transform into human form as soon as they are born and practice human skills, but also many monster plants can transform into human form. Their body meridians are not much different from humans. It is normal for clans to marry and have children.

But the thought that she might have the blood of a sacred tree, which was supposed to grow in the soil, still made her feel very weird.

"It doesn't make sense. These two clans were loyal to Emperor Lingxu back then. They both unified the Supreme Heaven and ended the troubled times with Emperor Lingxu, and they both made great military exploits.

Even if Emperor Lingxu falls and Emperor Haokong ascends the throne, they shouldn't be enemies with him, let alone hide in the Xuming Ancient Realm, right? "Everyone else still looked confused and couldn't figure it out.

Gu Fenghua had no doubts about this.

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