My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 6012 6012 is worthy of being the successor of the King of Heaven

The maid named Yunyuan next to her parents must have been from the Qingyuan clan. She led herself across the vast void, narrowly escaping from the pursuit of Emperor Haokong, and a self-destruction killed many of his powerful men. How could Emperor Haokong not hate her to the core!

Presumably, the Qingyuan clan was implicated by her and faced the disaster of annihilation, and had to avoid the Xuming Ancient Realm.

As for the Fusang clan, there is no need to say more. If the mother is really transformed from the Fusang sacred tree, once Emperor Haokong takes power, there will be no place for the Fusang clan in the Supreme Heaven.

Thinking of this, Gu Fenghua felt unspeakable sorrow and indignation in his heart, and his fists clenched unconsciously.

"You, you, what do you want to do? I've told you everything I know. Oh, by the way, this scroll is called "Xu Ming Heaven and Earth Mirror". It is said that a drop of blood essence of Emperor Xu Ming was used when refining it.

And that drop of essence and blood was left behind when Emperor Xuming fell into the realm of calamity and had also experienced the realm of calamity, so as long as there is a treasure corresponding to the calamity around him, it will sense it.

We want the treasure that should be catastrophic, and so are the remnants of the various tribes hiding in the Xuming Ancient Realm. Therefore, if you want to find the treasure that should be catastrophic, you will definitely encounter the demons. You don't have to go looking for them, wait for them to send it to you. Just come to your door. "As soon as she heard the "click" sound, Ning Yu'er, who had just stood up, felt her feet go weak, squatted back again, covered her head with her hands and said quickly.

As expected of a descendant of the Heavenly King, he is indeed very bloody.

"I understand. If I don't want to beat you, get up." Gu Fenghua took a deep breath, put aside the grief and anger in his heart, and said to Ning Yu'er.

Ning Yu'er felt like she was receiving amnesty and quickly stood up, but she didn't dare to stay next to Gu Fenghua. Instead, she hid behind the crowd dejectedly, with deep resentment in her eyes: I'll let you be proud first, and wait until someone else If you get a chance, let's see how I deal with you!

Of course, such a look could not be hidden from Gu Fenghua. However, she has seen many similar naughty children. In the beginning, it is inevitable that she will feel resentful and unwilling to give in. She just needs to deal with them a few more times.

She just pretended that she didn't see anything, sat down on the spot, and began to practice. Seeing this, the others quickly resumed their practice.

The spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the Xuming Ancient Territory was too chaotic. It took three hours for everyone to recover. Following Gu Fenghua, they rose into the sky and headed towards the hinterland of the Xuming Ancient Territory to control the wind.

With the "Xu Ming Heaven and Earth Mirror", everyone no longer has to worry about finding the treasure that should be robbed. They only need to be careful to avoid the places where various ethnic groups live. The journey is much easier.

Shortly after they left, several figures appeared in the valley.

"You are so brave, you even dare to kill people from my Nitian Palace. Don't they know where this place is? Do they really think that we don't have the guts to kill them? Lord Heavenly King, I will take people to kill them right now! "An old man with a short beard like a goat looked at the several corpses in front of him, then looked at the backs of Gu Fenghua and his group who had almost disappeared into the sky, and said with a venomous look on his face.

"Can you kill them?" The middle-aged man with a beard and a rough face standing in the middle said angrily.

Don't look at the fact that he claims to be the Heaven-defying King. He also built a Heaven-defying King's Palace in the Xuming Ancient Territory, and collected many traitors and desperate Taoist masters and even Xingjun's subordinates into his tent. However, he has a few kilograms. , but he knows it very well.

Without complete preparation, I really wouldn't dare to take action against Gu Fenghua and others.

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