"I don't think they are too strong. If we lead the way, it shouldn't be too difficult to kill them." Goatee said.

"Their strength is indeed not too strong. They should only be disciples of various Daofu and star kings in a certain kingdom. But don't forget that in previous demon-killing expeditions, the four heavenly kings of the Supreme Heaven will also send people to participate, and even The Emperor of Heaven has also deployed surprise troops. If we alert them, we may be in danger and our lives will be difficult to save." The middle-aged man touched the beard on his face and said cautiously.

"Why don't I go down and find the eight Xu Ming clans to join forces? As long as they are willing to take action, we don't have to worry even if the four heavenly kings' men are alerted." At this time, the white-faced old man next to him said with a folding fan.

"The eight Xuming clans are in civil strife right now, and they are having a lot of trouble with each other. They may not be willing to take action because they have too much time to take care of themselves. And I think the scroll that the person took just now seems to be the "Xuming Heaven and Earth Mirror", so even if they are willing, We can’t let them take action either,” the middle-aged man said.

""The Mirror of Xuming Heaven and Earth"! Lord Heavenly King, did you read that correctly? That is really "The Mirror of Xuming Heaven and Earth"? Hearing this, the two old men became excited, their voices trembling slightly.

Ning Yu'er was right. Not only did they need the calamity treasure, but these powerful men hiding in the Xuming Ancient Territory needed it even more.

Because they are in the Xuming Ancient Realm, as their cultivation level improves, their chances of facing disaster are actually greater. Even if the Xuming Ancient Territory is rich in treasures that should be calamity, it is only for the Supreme Heaven. For them, it is not easy to find the treasures that should be calamity.

But it will be different if you get the "Xu Ming Heaven and Earth Mirror". With this artifact, it will no longer be difficult to find the treasure that should be catastrophic. Not to mention dealing with the calamity, it would not be surprising even if one day he could surpass the eight clans of Xuming.

"You shouldn't be mistaken. I saw him once when I was still working for Ning Qingsi." The middle-aged man said.

"In this case, we really can't let the Eight Xuming Clan interfere." The white-faced and beardless old man had a calmer temper, and soon regained some of his calmness, and said thoughtfully.

"That's right. Not only can they not be allowed to interfere, but they must not be allowed to hear the slightest bit of news." The middle-aged man nodded and said.

"Then what should we do? We can't take action ourselves, and we can't join forces with the eight Xuming clans. Can we just watch them take the "Xuming Heaven and Earth Mirror" and roam freely in our territory?" the old man with the goatee said impatiently. .

"Who says we won't take action? We just can't take action easily." The middle-aged man glared at him and said confidently, "Let's go and follow them first. I have my own plan for this matter, so you don't have to worry."

After saying that, he took the lead and flew up, following Gu Fenghua and his group.

The two old men looked at each other and quickly followed behind.

"Purple Jade Yingdao Sand, it's Purple Jade Yingdao Sand!" Lin Yujing knocked open the inconspicuous rock in front of him and watched the fine sand like purple purple stone flowing out, and couldn't help but cheered.

Next to them, the leading disciples from various Taoist and Xingjun mansions also had happy expressions on their faces.

Ever since Ning Yu'er handed over the "Xu Ming Heaven and Earth Mirror", the journey has become completely easier. There is no need to concentrate on searching for it. As long as there is a treasure that should be catastrophe nearby, the "Xu Ming Heaven and Earth Mirror" will be there. There will be a feeling, and a strange light will appear.

With this rare treasure, they have found more than ten kinds of treasures that should be robbed along the way.

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