My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 6014 6014 The old rules apply to everyone

The so-called treasures that should be robbed are actually mostly fine gold and mithril. For example, the Purple Jade Yingdao Sand in front of you, formerly known as Ziyu Dao Spirit Sand, is a good material for refining defensive artifacts. However, after passing through the tribulation process, After quenching, the properties will undergo subtle changes, and it can be used to make defensive artifacts, which will be of great help in resisting calamity.

Theoretically speaking, Dao Ling Cao can also become a treasure in times of calamity. However, compared with fine gold and mithril, Taoist grass is too fragile and difficult to survive the baptism of the Tao of Tribulation. Therefore, this kind of Taoist grass basically only exists in legends, and no one dares to hope for it.

In fact, in just over a month, they were able to find more than ten kinds of fine gold and mithril that could cope with the tribulation, and everyone was very satisfied.

Of course, it wasn't all smooth sailing along the way.

Just like Ning Yu'er said, they need the treasure to deal with the calamity, and so do the major races and murderers hiding in the Xuming Ancient Territory. Almost every time I find a treasure that should be robbed, I encounter them unexpectedly.

But I don’t know if it’s because of their good luck that the opponent’s strength is not very high. So far, the most powerful enemy they have encountered is only the fifth level Saint Transformation. It is said that the man was originally a commander under the Zhenxing Heavenly King. After drinking, he sexually assaulted a maid of the Heavenly Prince's Palace. After he woke up, he realized that he had made a big mistake and would inevitably die, so he fled into the Xuming Ancient Realm.

This person's strength in the fifth level of Saint Transformation is quite good. If he fights alone, there are really not many people in Gu Fenghua's group who can match him. Unfortunately, Gu Fenghua's group does not only have a few people, but there are enough There are more than a hundred people, and there are only a dozen subordinates around that person.

So, without any suspense, a strong man of the fifth level of Saint Transformation, plus more than ten murderers of the second and third level of Saint Transformation, who had not even reached the Saint Transformation level, were instantly transformed into nothingness under the light of swords and swords. There is no scum left.

But this time when they found Ziyu Yingdao Sha, the enemies they encountered were even weaker. There were only seven or eight people in total, and the strongest ones were only the third level Caihua Sheng. For such a weak enemy, Lin Yujing and Feng Qirui were enough to kill them without anyone else taking action.

But there was no need for them to take action. The opponent was not strong, but his eyesight was good. He would run away as soon as he saw that the momentum was not going well. Gu Fenghua and others only focused on collecting the purple jade sand and did not bother to pay attention to them, allowing them to escape into the deep mountains and forests.

The calculation of the results is based on the number and strength of the opponent. There are only a few people and their strength is so weak. Even if they are all killed and spread equally among everyone, not a single golden sand in the Void Spirit Talisman will light up. Too lazy to put in the effort.

Gu Fenghua originally had no interest in killing demons, but others gradually accepted reality and gave up their unrealistic fantasies. As long as you can find enough treasure to deal with the calamity and return to the Supreme Heaven alive, your future achievements will not be much worse no matter how bad they are, so why risk your life.

"Sir, all the purple jade sand is here, please count it." Lin Yujing collected all the purple jade sand and handed it to Gu Fenghua.

Since Gu Fenghua is the leader, of course she has to decide on the distribution of the spoils.

"No need to count, the old rule is, everyone who sees it has a share, it will be divided equally." Gu Fenghua said.

"Yes, sir." Lin Yujing responded respectfully, with a hint of admiration in his eyes.

Others also looked at Gu Fenghua, their eyes filled with joy, gratitude, and admiration.

According to the customary rules of conquering demons, Gu Fenghua should take the big head and the others should take the small head of the spoils. In fact, it's not just the Demon Defeating Campaign, but other experiences as well.

As soon as Lin Yujing entered the Xuming Ancient Territory, he couldn't wait to fight for power. It was for this reason.

But as for Gu Fenghua, although he defeated Ning Yu'er and was elected as the leader by everyone, he never took any advantage. Every time he found the treasure that should be robbed, everyone who saw it was treated equally, no one had more, no one had less.

With such a broad mind and courage, how could it be possible that everyone would not be convinced by her.

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