My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 6016 One of the happiest moments of 6017

"Go and pick up firewood." Gu Fenghua didn't take any action. He just lowered his face and pointed at a few dead trees not far away.

Ning Yu'er felt like she had been granted amnesty. She held her robe in one hand and jumped out like a frightened little rabbit.

Behind him, Gu Fenghua showed a joking smile.

Ning Yu'er was right. She really didn't know how to read minds, and she didn't know what he was muttering in his mind. But he still underestimated Gu Fenghua's spiritual power. Even if he was also a fifth-level saint, and even if he was the most valued descendant of King Xiaoyao, Gu Fenghua's spiritual power was simply not comparable to his.

So he didn't know that the few small movements he made by quietly pressing the hilt of the sword were not hidden from her at all. She didn't even wait for him to press the hilt of the sword, but she was already alert to the slightest murderous intention.

It seems that this guy has a good nature and knows the importance. Of course, it may not be that you have a good nature, but that you have trained yourself well. Looking at Ning Yu'er's frightened back, Gu Fenghua thought to himself and boasted a little.

Soon, she withdrew her gaze and looked towards the dark rolling mountains in the distance.

Along the way, she always had an uneasy premonition, as if someone was quietly spying on them in the dark, like a poisonous snake hiding in the grass.

At first, she thought that this uneasy premonition came from Ning Yu'er, but she soon realized that she was wrong. That man's murderous intention was deeper than Ning Yu'er's, but it was also stronger.

If it’s not Ning Yu’er, then who could it be?

Soon, Ning Yuer picked up a large bundle of dry firewood, skillfully broke it into small pieces, and started a fire.

These days, all these chores are left to him. As time goes by, he will naturally become more and more proficient.

However, although doing the menial and clumsy work of servants was a great humiliation for him as the successor of the Heavenly King, Ning Yu'er himself enjoyed it endlessly.

The reason is simple. Soon after completing these menial tasks, he will be able to eat the most delicious food in the world.

Just like Wuji Shengtian, the people of Wushangtian pay too much attention to cultivation and want to eat Dao Dan as a meal. As a descendant of the King of Heaven, Ning Yu'er is no exception.

He has never eaten serious meals in his life, and he has never tasted such delicious food - I remember when Gu Fenghua tore off a chicken leg for the first time and gave it to him, he still maintained the reserve of a descendant of the King of Heaven, I originally wanted to show disdain, but I was afraid of being beaten, so I took the chicken leg with a dull face and took a bite without any expression.

Then, he got out of control. Not only did he chew the chicken legs and even the chicken bones into pieces, he swallowed them in his stomach. In the end, he gritted his teeth with unsatisfied feelings and accidentally bit his own tongue. The fishy smell of blood, combined with the lingering aroma of the chicken legs in the mouth, became more delicious than ever.

Then, he was completely trapped in it and couldn't extricate himself. Whenever he stopped to rest, what he looked forward to the most was Gu Fenghua's order to collect firewood - according to Gu Fenghua, only meat grilled in this way has the most authentic flavor.

Ning Yu'er was a little unconvinced at first, but after she had the courage to ask Gu Fenghua for a pheasant and tried roasting it with red fire, she was no longer convinced.

Therefore, every time he collects firewood, it becomes one of the happiest moments in his life. What is happier than this is of course eating meat, not eating his own tongue, but eating barbecue cooked by Gu Fenghua.

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