My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 6017 6018 Is there still a successor to the King of Heaven?

As the bonfire burned, Gu Fenghua slowly turned the stick and occasionally sprinkled a handful of condiments on it. A few pheasants and hares on the fire turned golden, exuding amber oil and filling the air with an alluring aroma.

"Gudong, Gudong..." A thunderous sound came from Ning Yu'er's throat, and even her stomach began to growl.

"Here, be careful this time and don't bite your tongue again." Gu Fenghua threw a freshly roasted pheasant to Ning Yu'er and reminded her by the way.

The descendants of the King of Heaven are like reincarnations of starving ghosts. Gu Fenghua will never forget that after chewing the chicken leg last time, this guy didn't stop talking, and then he let out a scream like a ghost crying or a wolf howling.

Fortunately, he had good cultivation and carried enough healing pills. Otherwise, Gu Fenghua was really worried about whether he would have a chance to speak in this life.

"Uh-huh, uh-huh... Don't worry, I'll be careful when I cry. I won't bite my tongue again... Hiss, hiss..." Ning Yu'er couldn't wait to take the roasted chicken, tore off a chicken leg and stuffed it into her mouth. , was so hot that he breathed cold air, but his movements did not slow down at all.

It was really a starving ghost who was reincarnated. After eating barbecue for a month, he was a little tired of it, but this guy still acted as if he had never eaten anything in his life. Gu Fenghua shook his head and couldn't help but miss Fatty Bai again.

With Fatty Bai here, he can taste different delicacies every day. Now that he is alone, he can only eat barbecue. It's not that she only knows how to cook barbecue. Apart from barbecue, her cooking skills are actually not bad either. They are enough to put many restaurant chefs to shame in Wuji Holy Heaven. However, her cooking skills are still not as good as those she has gained since she was fat.

After getting used to Fatty Bai's cooking skills, when she was asked to cook a table of food again, she felt that it was not as tasty as barbecue.

"I've been in the Supreme Heaven for so long, and I don't know how Fenghua is doing?" At the same time, in a secret realm on the edge of the Supreme Heaven that was so full of spiritual energy that it was almost substantial, Luo Enen said listlessly while holding chopsticks.

On the table, there were delicious dishes cooked by Fatty Bai himself. The tempting fragrance of the dishes seemed to penetrate into the internal organs and into the soul. However, she had no appetite at all as she picked at the rice grains in the bowl that were as crystal clear as pearls. .

"It's only a little over half a year, so it's not a long time." Xie Youran said.

"But why do I feel like so many years have passed?" Luo Enen said.

"I feel that way too."

"I feel the same way." Others said in unison.

After he finished speaking, he fell silent again.

"Forget it, I have no appetite, I don't want to eat." Luo Enen put the bowl on the table.

The others did not speak, but they also put their bowls back on the table, with the exception of Ye Wuse, because he never took the chopsticks or touched the rice bowl from the beginning to the end.

"I don't want to eat either." If in the past, the meal he had worked so hard to prepare was wasted in this way, Fatty Bai would definitely be furious, but today, instead of being angry at all, he also put the bowls and chopsticks back. on the table.

"The time has come, come and practice." Ye Lishang's voice sounded not far away.

Everyone's eyes instinctively showed a trace of fear, but they still got up quickly and hurried over honestly.

The light and shadow in front of me changed, forming a barrier gate. Within the barrier, storms swept across the heaven and earth, turbulent currents surged to form countless swords and blades, and countless ice cones fell from the sky, piercing the earth like a forest of spears. But there are countless cracks on the ground, and from time to time, pillars of fire shoot up from the ground to the sky, intertwining with the ice cones to create a murderous atmosphere of ice and fire.

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