And in the mid-air, there were dense clouds, and thunder struck down without warning, smashing the ice cone into pieces, and even split the soaring fire pillar into countless fire snakes, which wandered between the sky and the earth.

"Senior Ye, how long are you going to hold on this time?" Fang Tianyou touched the wound on his left chest and asked with a sad face.

Just half a month ago, an ice pick pierced his chest, just a hair's breadth away, and his heart was about to be shattered. Thanks to his sister's push at the critical moment, and Ye Wuse and Zhong Lingxiu also coming to the rescue at the same time, he managed to save his life.

But it was only the second day, and before the injury had fully healed, he was thrown into the ice and fire purgatory by Ye Lishang again. Thinking about it now, he still has lingering fears and the injury aches.

The others did not speak, but their eyes showed uncontrollable fear. In the past six months, they have been practicing in this purgatory every day. They have experienced countless life and death crises, and everyone is covered with bruises. Even they themselves feel lucky to be alive to this day.

But no matter who you are, you can't be lucky forever. God knows one day you will be pierced by the ice pick accidentally, or be submerged by the fire, or be blown to pieces by the thunder that comes out of nowhere.

The worst thing is that they have no room to refuse, let alone escape. Anyone who dares to say no will be tortured inhumanely by Ye Lishang, making life worse than death.

"Senior Ye, it should still be three hours this time, right?" Luo Enen found the courage with great difficulty and asked tentatively.

I remember that at the beginning, each experience lasted for a quarter of an hour, then it became half an hour, and then it was an hour... and so on. This time the experience should be three and a half hours, but if you are lucky, Ye If Li Shang showed mercy, it might take three hours.

"Fenghua has gone to the Xuming Ancient Realm. Haokong has noticed her, and there is not much time left for her." Ye Lishang did not answer her question, but said in a low voice.

Luo Enen and others looked at each other for a moment, and then their eyes showed deep worry.

"Senior Ye, I understand." Luo Enen said nothing more and stepped into the barrier.

There was no longer any fear in her eyes, and she became so determined and persistent. The originally charming and charming back also looked so upright, like a poplar standing proudly into the sky despite the cold wind.

Fatty Bai and others followed closely behind and stepped into the barrier. Their expressions were equally determined and their steps were equally steady.

"Are you full?" Gu Fenghua asked, looking at Ning Yu'er who had just chewed the last chicken bone to pieces and stretched her neck to swallow it.

"Well, it's almost done. I'm full." Ning Yu'er hesitated for a moment and finally said.

He had already eaten a whole five roast chickens, and even he felt that he was a little embarrassed to see others with the appearance of a starving ghost reincarnated. He is a descendant of the King of Heaven, so he must be reserved and reserved.

It's a pity that he repeatedly reminded himself to be reserved, but the action of sucking his fingers desperately betrayed his inner feelings.

"Just tell him if you're not full. There's nothing to be embarrassed about. I'll give you this one too." Looking at his pitiful appearance, even Gu Fenghua felt sad. He said softly, picking up the last roast chicken and handing it over.

Last time, he accidentally bit his tongue, and if he kept sucking it back and forth like this, Gu Fenghua was really worried that he would accidentally chew off his finger.

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