My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 6024 6025 The famous murderer

With her eyesight, she wouldn't be able to recognize Xia Houzhan's identity without Ning Yu'er's reminder. Although Ning Yu'er is a descendant of King Xiaoyao, and Xia Houzhan was once a general under King Xiaoyao, Ning Yu'er is several years younger than her, so naturally she has never met Xia Houzhan, and she doesn't know. How did he recognize it.

"The Heavenly Emperor Bone Bottle was originally the private collection of my great-grandfather. It was carried by one of his most trusted descendants, and that descendant was the military governor who was attacked and killed by Xia Houzhan from behind." Ning Yu'er said with a look of hatred.

So that's it. Everyone suddenly realized that Xia Houzhan had killed the warlord, and the Emperor's White Bone Bottle he carried with him naturally fell into his hands.

In this way, Xia Houzhan's original rebellion not only brought disgrace to King Xiaoyao, but also created a feud with the Ning family.

"With his strength, he is still unable to completely refine this Heavenly Emperor's White Bone Bottle, but when the Bone Heavenly Emperor fell, this Taoist artifact was also seriously damaged, and the spirit of the artifact became more violent. The longer it was delayed, the stronger the violence became, and it will be harmful to us. It becomes even more unfavorable and we must fight out as soon as possible." Ning Yu'er gathered her energy to transmit the message again and said to everyone.

In the previous blow, everyone had seen the power of the Heavenly Emperor's White Bone Bottle. When he heard what he said, their hearts trembled even more. They held the weapon tightly again, and even the seriously injured Tianling Guard commanders were struggling. stood up.

"I advise you not to waste any time. Although I can't completely refine the Heavenly Emperor's White Bone Bottle, I have figured out how to use it for sacrifice. With your strength, you can't even think of escaping from the shackles." Although Ning Yu'er is a Qi Gathering Master. Sound, but Xia Houzhan still saw clues from their actions, and said with a cold smile.

As he spoke, he raised his arms.

Around the col, eighteen men appeared. These people are old and young, but everyone has a cold expression and a fierce light in their eyes.

These people are all famous murderers in the Supreme Heaven. After escaping to the Xuming Ancient Territory, they were captured by Xia Hou and were called the Eighteen Killing Stars of the Nitian Palace. Now they are also famous in the Xuming Ancient Territory. .

Just as they appeared, a huge formation also appeared around them. The power of the formations condensed like silk and merged into the Emperor's White Bone Bottle.

It turned out that Xia Houzhan used this formation to forcefully sacrifice the Heavenly Emperor's Bone Bottle. Seeing this scene, everyone's hearts sank again.

These eighteen people have holy rainbows shining between their brows, and all of them are strong men in the realm of sainthood. Although the highest is only the fourth level of Saint Transformation, and the lowest is only the First Stage of Transformation Saint, but with so many powerful people in the realm of Saint Transformation controlling formations, even if they cannot fully utilize the power of the Taoist weapon of the White Bone Heavenly Emperor Bottle, it is not possible for them to do so. Easily contended.

"After all, I was born in Xiaoyao Prince's Mansion, and Lord Heavenly King was kind to me. So, for the sake of Little Heavenly King, I won't embarrass you. As long as you hand over the "Xu Ming Heaven and Earth Mirror" and the previously found I will let you live a life-saving treasure." Seeing everyone's increasingly gloomy expressions, Xia Houzhan's eyes showed a hint of joy and he spoke loudly to everyone.

After hearing his words, everyone's nervous expressions relaxed a lot.

At this point, everyone could tell that Xia Houzhan had planned his move today for a long time. It would probably take several days just to set up this formation. And what he was plotting was nothing more than the "Xu Ming Heaven and Earth Mirror". As long as the "Xu Ming Heaven and Earth Mirror" was handed over to him, he seemed to have no need to fight against them.

However, the "Xu Ming Heaven and Earth Mirror" is not owned by them, but is the collection of Xiaoyao Prince's Mansion, and they have no control over this matter. So, everyone turned their attention to Gu Fenghua again.

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