My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 6025 6026 Treat everyone as an idiot like you

"It all depends on what she does. "Xu Ming Tian Di Jian" is mine, not hers." Ning Yu'er noticed the direction of everyone's gaze and couldn't help but muttered.

"Then you go and get it back." No one else heard what he was muttering, but Lin Yujing, who was standing next to him, happened to hear it clearly and rolled his eyes and said angrily.

Ning Yu'er shut up immediately and said nothing more.

Want to come back? If he had the guts to come back, he wouldn't have to hand it over in the first place. Wouldn't it really be fun to get beaten?

It's just a slap, but she also specializes in slaps in the face. Do you know that a slap in the face hurts?

Life or death, just in Gu Fenghua's mind, everyone looked at her expectantly.

Gu Fenghua didn't seem to notice everyone's gazes. He just stared at Xia Houzhan and suddenly smiled.

"As far as I know, you rebelled against Supreme Heaven and humiliated King Xiaoyao, and even regarded it as the greatest shame and humiliation in your life.

He hasn't done anything to you over the years, he just hasn't found out your whereabouts.

If we return to the Supreme Heaven alive, your whereabouts will no longer be a secret. With your scheming and strategizing, you won’t be able to imagine what Lord Heavenly King will do next.

Indeed, with the cultivation level of the Taoist Saint of Xiaoyao Heavenly King, he cannot come to Xuming Ancient Territory in person, but the majestic Heavenly King of this territory has countless powerful subordinates. As long as he gives an order and promises a heavy reward, you Wouldn’t you have thought that there would be so many strong men risking their lives to enter the Xuming Ancient Realm?

Even the Emperor of Heaven may personally order people to come after you. By then, will you still have a foothold in the Xuming Ancient Territory? And besides the Xuming Ancient Realm, where else can you escape to? Gu Fenghua asked.

Xia Houzhan's pupils shrank slightly, and the smile on his face gradually disappeared.

"I don't need to explain the wonderful use of "Xu Ming Tian Di Jian". You are tempted, but the other races in the Xu Ming Ancient Territory are not tempted? But today you took action, but there is not a demon child. Why? I think this should be your intention. Maybe it's because the news is blocked.

If you let us go, aren't you afraid that the news will fall into the ears of the demon clan, or that other clans will try to rob you? Although you call yourself the King of Heaven, ask yourself, with this little strength, can you really fight against the demons and other major races? "

Xia Houzhan's eyes almost narrowed into thin slits, and the smile on his face completely disappeared.

"You didn't want to let us go at all. You were just worried that the Heavenly Emperor's White Bone Bottle was too powerful and would accidentally destroy the "Xu Ming Heaven and Earth Mirror", so you coerced us into handing over this treasure.

You are just an idiot, you really think that everyone is as idiotic as you, and you will even believe such nonsense! "Gu Fenghua said with contempt.

After Gu Fenghua revealed the secret and was scolded by her, Xia Houzhan's face turned livid.

Beside him, the two old men were sweating coldly.

They had heard Xia Houzhan say before that he would let the other party live, and they really believed it. After all, these people are not weak. Even if Xia Houzhan relies on the Eighteen Killing Stars to set up a formation and forcefully sacrifice the Heavenly Emperor's Bone Bottle, it will not be easy to deal with them. Even if they could all be killed, the Eighteen Killing Stars would probably be severely damaged, and even the Bone Bottle of the Heavenly Emperor would be seriously damaged.

Being able to obtain the "Xu Ming Tian Di Jian" without any bloodshed is of course the best result.

But after listening to Gu Fenghua's scolding, they realized that they were thinking too simplistically. Xia Houzhan is not them. Although they also fled to the Xuming Ancient Territory because of committing crimes, the people who really suffered from them were not from a good background. Even if they knew that they were hiding in the Xuming Ancient Territory, there was nothing they could do.

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