My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 6030 6031 Stop playing with the sword spirit

"Lord Heavenly King!" The two old men couldn't care less about Lin Yujing and others, and quickly turned around to help Xia Houzhan up.

Although Gu Fenghua and Ning Yu'er are now imprisoned by the Heavenly Emperor's Bone Bottle, one of them holds a Taoist sword and the other is a descendant of the Heavenly King, so they may not have any chance of escaping.

If you want to put them to death and seize the "Xu Ming Heaven and Earth Mirror", you have to take action from Xia Houzhan.

"Don't worry, I can't die. I just need to rest for a while. As long as I don't die, Gu Fenghua and Ning Yu'er will definitely die." Xia Houzhan said breathlessly.

After following Gu Fenghua and others for many days, he did know their names.

Seeing that although he was seriously injured due to the forced sacrifice of the Heavenly Emperor's Bone Bottle, his life was not seriously injured. The two old men and their subordinates who retreated to the surroundings were relieved.

Anyway, as long as Xia Houzhan regains his strength, Gu Fenghua and Ning Yu'er will live or die, and it will be difficult for these young and powerful men from the supreme heaven in front of them to survive. They are not in a hurry to take action, and are ready to guard Xia Houzhan just like the other party. .

They were not in a hurry, but Lin Yujing and Feng Qirui were.

"Quick, do it. Kill Xia Houzhan while his injury is still recovering! Only if he dies can Sir and Ning Yu'er be spared, and we can have a way to live." The two struggled to stand up and each took their storage rings. Draw the sword.

For leaders of the Tianling Guard like them, fighting in battle formations is a common occurrence, and their weapons are inevitably damaged, so they always carry spare weapons with them.

After hearing what they said, the others realized that now that Xia Houzhan was seriously injured, this was their best chance. Once he recovers, they will have no way out.

Amid the killing cries, everyone rushed forward again.

Of course, the two old men would not let them succeed. With a wave of their hands, they led their men to greet them.

The two groups of men and horses fought together again, with streaks of blood flying everywhere, and even the dark sky was stained with a layer of blood.

Although there are only two to three hundred people in total, don't forget that these people are almost all above Saint Transformation. If they are placed in the lower realm, any one of them can destroy a plane.

When they fight each other one by one, there is a tragic feeling like thousands of troops galloping on the battlefield...

In their ears, there were loud killing cries outside, but Gu Fenghua and Ning Yuer's eyes were filled with dark clouds.

The thick clouds were rolling, showing ferocious human faces. They opened their mouths wide, revealing their sharp teeth, and actually let out a shrill scream like a ghost.

The originally invisible barrier now has substance. Huge skull wine bottles shrouded the surroundings, and the equally huge runes on the walls flashed with an eerie blood color.

Although the giant skeleton palm did not appear again, Gu Fenghua still felt inexplicably uneasy listening to the shrill ghostly screams. It seemed that even his soul was affected and became uneasy.

"One sword, Saint Guiyuan!" Without hesitation, the strongest sword was slashed out again.

"Boom!" The sword light struck the inner wall of the skull wine bottle, and the bloody runes flashed fiercely.

The sword light shattered, the huge skull wine bottle swayed, and the earth trembled.

But when it was all over, the skull wine bottle was not damaged at all, but Gu Fenghua himself was shocked and took two steps back.

"Sword Master, stop playing around and use your strength, okay?" Gu Fenghua said depressedly in his heart.

She had put all her strength into this sword, but the power of the sword was obviously far less than before. It was obvious that the power of Qingyun Sword itself was not exerted at all.

I don’t know what this guy is planning. Could it be that he wants to amuse Xia Houzhan, but at other times it’s just for fun. Is this a time when you can’t work hard?

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