My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 6031 6032 Almost spit out a mouthful of old blood

"I'm not playing. I used too much force just now. I have no strength now." The sword spirit's aggrieved plea came in his heart.

"You didn't know how to save your strength just now. Don't you know how powerful the Heavenly Emperor's Bone Bottle is?" Gu Fenghua asked angrily.

In fact, Xia Houzhan had been underestimating their enemies just now, and had not fully aroused the power of the Heavenly Emperor's White Bone Bottle. With the power of her bloodline, coupled with the indestructibility of the Qingyun Sword itself, it was enough to break the shackles , it’s just a few more swords, I don’t know why it’s working so hard.

"I know, but I didn't like that guy when I saw him, and I couldn't help it.

Besides, I am also a Taoist weapon. If I don't break the shackles easily, wouldn't it mean that people underestimate my strength? If word spreads, others will think that my majestic Qingyun Taoist Sword is not as good as this broken skull.

By the way, that sword strike just now was very majestic, it was the true strength of my Qingyun Dao Sword. It's a pity that this is the Xuming Ancient Realm, and not many people have seen it. If I were to fight against Haokong in the Supreme Heaven, and let thousands of strong men see my strength, my Qingyun Dao Sword would definitely become famous in one fell swoop, and my name would be known throughout the ages... ..." The sword spirit chattered, becoming excited again.

"..." Gu Fenghua was so choked that he almost spit out a mouthful of blood.

Sure enough, the more critical the moment, the less reliable this sword spirit becomes.

"Okay, now it's time for you to show off your power and show off your strength. If you don't worry about others saying you're not as good as that broken skull, just show us how powerful you are." Gu Fenghua used the technique of stimulating generals.

Unfortunately, Dafa failed. Upon hearing Gu Fenghua's words, the sword spirit immediately shut up.

"Hey, what's wrong?" After waiting for a moment and seeing no movement from it, Gu Fenghua asked.

"I suddenly remembered that I am the sword servant and you are the sword master. How can I steal your limelight? I'll leave the rest to you. I'll go and be quiet." The sword spirit said.

Several black lines stood up on Gu Fenghua's forehead: Sure enough, this was not a sword spirit at all, but a base spirit.

Ignoring the bitch anymore, Gu Fenghua used his skills with all his strength, and once again struck at the skull wine bottle with one sword after another.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom..." Loud sounds exploded like muffled thunder, and the blood-colored runes emitted light patterns like water waves.

The sword was slashed out several times in succession, but the skull wine bottle remained unscathed.

"Forget it, stop it, it's useless for you to do this." Finally, Ning Yu'er said.

"How did you know?" Gu Fenghua asked.

In fact, even if Ning Yu'er didn't say it, she could feel it. If this continued, even if she exhausted all the holy energy in her body and all the power of her bloodline, she might not be able to break open the Heavenly Emperor's Bone Bottle.

"I heard my great-grandfather said that even with his level of cultivation, it is not easy to forcefully break the Heavenly Emperor's Bone Bottle with the help of Taoist tools, let alone you." Ning Yu'er said.

Only then did Gu Fenghua realize that he had underestimated the Heavenly Emperor Bone Bottle.

"Do you have any method, such as a secret method that can restrain the Heavenly Emperor's Bone Bottle, or a divine weapon?" Gu Fenghua asked, seeing that although this guy was weak, he didn't seem too worried and looked confident.

"No, the Emperor's White Bone Bottle was one of the most powerful Taoist tools in the past. If there is any way to restrain it, it is not something I can use.

As for the divine weapon, if I had it, how could I still be bullied like that by you? "Ning Yu'er said the last word with an expression of unspeakable sorrow.

"But I don't think you're worried at all?" Gu Fenghua said dubiously.

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