My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 6037 6038 Just swallow it in one gulp

"Sir!" After a while, Lin Yujing and others came to their senses and strode towards Gu Fenghua happily.

But just after taking a few steps, they stumbled at the same time and almost fell to the ground.

They were seriously injured, but they just relied on their faith to persevere. At this time, they finally escaped from danger. As soon as they let out their breath, they found that the meridians in their bodies burst and the holy energy was on the verge of exhaustion.

"Don't talk, heal first." Gu Fenghua took out the healing pill and distributed it to everyone.

"We have brought healing pills, you don't have to spend any money." Feng Qirui declined, and no one else reached out.

Their lives were all saved by Gu Fenghua, so why would they have the nerve to take her Dao Pill again.

"Keep your healing pills and take mine first." Gu Fenghua said without any argument.

She could also see that Lin Yujing and others had a chance to escape, and if they were really determined to escape, Xia Houzhan and others would probably not force them to stay.

But for her sake, they still stayed. Not only Lin Yujing, Feng Qirui and others, but even the few Taoist disciples with the lowest strength did not leave her. Everyone was bloody and injured.

She was secretly moved in her heart, how could she be stingy with a few Dao pills.

"Then thank you, sir." Seeing that they could not refuse, Lin Yujing and others could no longer insist. They opened the pill bottles, each took a few healing pills and drank them, but then handed the rest back to her.

Seeing this, Gu Fenghua was even more moved and became more fond of them.

The power of the elixir circulated, and Lin Yujing and others once again felt the miraculous effect of Gu Fenghua's healing elixir. In just a moment, the meridians in the body began to repair, and the holy energy that was already nearly exhausted was like a steady stream of spring water, rising from the sea of ​​​​qi again and pouring into the meridians.

"Sir, the Heavenly Emperor's White Bone Bottle is one of the most powerful Taoist tools in the history of our supreme heaven. Although I heard that it was seriously damaged, if your demon pet just eats it in one go, will it be okay?" Lin Yujing opened his eyes, He exhaled a long breath, looked towards the Heavenly Emperor Bone Bottle, then opened his eyes suddenly, and said to Gu Fenghua nervously and worriedly.

Gu Fenghua had just checked everyone's injuries and had no time to look around. Hearing this, he turned around and was shocked.

As Xia Houzhan's Eighteen Killing Stars fell, the Heavenly Emperor's Bone Bottle quietly returned to its original shape, turning into a skeletal wine bottle about half a foot tall. Obsidian also returned to his original shape. He held up the wine bottle and looked left and right. He seemed a little disgusted with the skull, but he put his nose up and took a deep breath. Finally, he opened his mouth with an intoxicated look and stuffed the entire skull wine bottle. In the mouth.

"Obsidian, what are you doing? Stop it... shut up!" Gu Fenghua was shocked.

The eighteen killer stars under Xia Houzhan were all strong men in the realm of sainthood, but they were backlashed by the Emperor's Bone Bottle and turned into nothingness in the blink of an eye. Xia Houzhan himself was seriously injured due to the backlash of this weapon, so he was easily killed by her sword. One can imagine the power contained in this weapon.

Is it going to kill the little bear cub if he just swallows it in one mouthful?

Well, it’s not like swallowing it dry, others chew it.

"What's the matter? It's delicious. It also tastes like alcohol. Mom, do you want to try it?" Gu Fenghua opened his mouth too late after all. The little bear chewed the Emperor's Bone Bottle "click-click-click" and stretched his neck. He made a swallowing motion, then turned his head, with a naive smile on his face, pulled out a small skull finger from between his teeth, and asked Gu Fenghua.

"..." There was silence all around, and a layer of cold sweat broke out on Gu Fenghua's forehead.

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