This is a Taoist tool, a Taoist tool! It’s just a few pieces to have as a snack, but if you actually eat the whole thing, you’re not afraid of dying of it!

Soon, what Gu Fenghua was worried about happened.

"Plop!" The little bear cub smiled, suddenly rolled his eyes, and fell straight down.

"Obsidian!" Gu Fenghua seemed to see the power of the weapon exploding in the little bear cub's body, and saw the miserable scene of its broken bones and bloody flowers, and he jumped forward.

Lin Yujing and others also had the same worries and quickly followed her, each using their holy energy to protect her.

Once the power of such a Taoist weapon explodes, even Gu Fenghua would be hard-pressed to resist it. If they join forces, they might be able to protect her.

As soon as he arrived at Obsidian, Gu Fenghua immediately stretched out his hand and pressed it on its body. While inspecting it attentively, he injected holy energy into its body.

If the power of the Heavenly Emperor's White Bone Bottle really explodes within its body, it can be suppressed by doing this, and perhaps it can save its life.

However, Gu Fenghua quickly felt relieved as his spiritual sense left to investigate, with a somewhat strange look on his face.

"Sir, is your demon pet okay?" Seeing her strange expression, Feng Qirui asked doubtfully.

"It's okay, I'm just too drunk." Gu Fenghua said with a dumbfounded voice.

That's right, the little bear cub ate the whole Heavenly Emperor White Bone Bottle, but there was nothing strange in his body. The reason why he threw his head back and poured it down was because he was completely drunk.

After hearing what she said, Lin Yujing and others discovered that this iron-eating beast had a long breath, and it exhaled a strong smell of alcohol every time it breathed in. It also showed strange expressions.

It is worthy of being a beast from ancient times that is comparable to the dragon clan. It will be fine even if it eats a Taoist artifact. It is just that it is so drunk that it falls asleep.

I don’t know how many fine wines the White Bone Heavenly Emperor used to taste from this wine bottle in the past, but the wine flavor actually blended into it, and even this ancient beast couldn’t bear it.

"Okay, it's okay, don't worry anymore." Gu Fenghua said and was about to send the little bear cub back to the demon pet space.

At this moment, her mind suddenly moved. Although the power of the weapon did not explode in the little bear cub's body, when she put down her worries and calmed down, she unexpectedly discovered that there was a mysterious power flowing in the little bear cub's body.

This power was gentle and mellow, and did not make her notice any danger. On the contrary, under its nourishment, the body and bones of the little bear cub were undergoing subtle changes, becoming stronger than before.

Could it be that it can also use this weapon to cut the veins and cleanse the marrow! Gu Fenghua's heart couldn't help but get excited.

With great difficulty, she suppressed her excitement and sent the little bear cub back to the demon pet space.

Gu Fenghua didn't notice that the moment he returned to the demon pet space, a faint golden light appeared on the little bear cub's body...

After returning the little bear cub, Gu Fenghua led everyone towards the Jade Yingdao Fruit.

Xia Houzhan valued this Jade Jade Yingdao Fruit very much. He had been extremely careful when offering the Emperor's White Bone Bottle before, for fear of damaging it at all, which was an advantage for them.

Yingdao fruits that look like jade carvings hang heavily on the branches. Not to mention the fruits, even the leaves that are as delicate and smooth as silk are unscathed.

"I thought about it carefully. There are only seven Jade Jade Yingdao Fruits in total. No matter how you divide them, it's not appropriate. If you can trust me, why not let me keep them first, and then I will distribute them to you when the Yingdao Pills are refined in the future. "Gu Fenghua said to everyone.

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