My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 6039 6040 We must not treat them badly

Although there are only seven Jade Jade Yingdao Fruits, even if they are refined into Yingdao Pills, they will not be enough for everyone to share, but now it seems that this is the best way. Maybe we will find other Yingdao fruits in the future, and when the time comes, we can refine the Yingdao Pill, which may be enough for everyone to share.

While speaking, Gu Fenghua looked at Lin Yujing and Feng Qirui.

Thanks to the good planning and command of the two of them in the hard battle just now, everyone was able to persist until the end, and although everyone was injured, no one died. For this reason, they also established their own prestige.

As long as they have no objections, it's much easier to convince others.

Facts have proved that Gu Fenghua underestimated himself.

"Your Majesty, you are out of touch when you say this. Our lives were saved by you, so how can we covet any Yingdao Fruits? Just take these Jade Jade Yingdao Fruits." Before Lin Yujing and Feng Qirui could speak, others Several Tianling Guard commanders said in unison.

"That's right, we even saved this life, so how can we covet the fruit of the Dao? If you say this, you are looking down on us." Others also agreed.

In fact, in a sense, the healing Dao Pill that Gu Fenghua gave them just now is more precious than the Ying Dao Fruit. We don’t know when the demon-defeating expedition will end. At the critical moment, the healing pill can save lives, but the Yingdao fruit cannot. If you can’t refine the Yingdao pill, you can only eat it as a wild fruit. The taste is still Not necessarily better than ordinary wild fruits.

"In this case, I will accept these Jade Jade Dao Fruits first." Seeing them all talking, and some of them blushing with excitement, as if they had been greatly insulted, Gu Fenghua no longer persisted, and handed over the Jade Jade Fruits. Ying Daoguo received the storage bracelet.

But he secretly made up his mind: when he refines the Yingdao Pill in the future, he must not treat them badly!

As soon as the Jade Jade Yingdao Fruit was put away, the Dao Spirit Grass began to wither. Although he didn’t know whether planting it into the Pure Land of the Spiritual Heart would continue its vitality and bear new fruits, Gu Fenghua still moved it into the Pure Land of the Spiritual Heart as quickly as possible.

"Let's go." After doing all this, Gu Fenghua said to everyone.

Although Xia Houzhan and others were completely wiped out, not even the bones were left behind, but the fierce battle just now was very loud, and it might attract the attention of the demons. Everyone's injuries have not yet recovered, and it is impossible to deal with another one. She didn't want to cause any complications during the war.

Originally, she wanted to remind everyone that it was okay for them to know about "Xu Ming Tian Di Jian" and Cui Yu Ying Dao Fruit, and they must not spread it to anyone. But on second thought, she was too lazy to speak.

Because of the "Xu Ming Tian Di Jian", an unreasonable disaster was caused, and everyone almost died because of it, and people only spread it around because they were blinded. Besides, this is the Xuming Ancient Territory, who are they preaching to?

Everyone also knew that it was not suitable to stay here for a long time, so they each circulated their holy energy and took off into the sky.

At this moment, a group of figures flew through the air. They saw them from a distance and sped up at the same time.

Everyone looked stern, and immediately grabbed the magic soldiers and stood ready. Several Tianling Guard commanders were guarding the crowd on both sides. Lin Yujing and Feng Qirui were at the front like arrows. The others formed a Xuanwu-like formation based on their level of cultivation. In the formation, the strong are outside and the weak are inside.

It seems that the fierce battle just now was not without its benefits. In a short period of time, everyone learned the battle formations in the army, and they protected each other from head to tail.

But this time, they were too nervous.

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