My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 6041 6042 What are you planning?

Gu Fenghua and others looked at each other. They thought Ning Yuer was ordered by King Xiaoyao to participate in the expedition to defeat demons, but upon hearing this, he actually ran away from home.

That's right, if he hadn't run away from home, how could he have gone to the Holy Spirit Kingdom to participate in the demon-killing expedition? The so-called mistimed practice, but when I thought about it, it was actually full of loopholes. How could King Xiaoyao allow him to miss the time for such a big matter?

If the Holy King of Spirits does not give him face and blocks him from the Xuming Ancient Territory, and spreads the word, outsiders will think that the descendants of King Xiaoyao are timid and have retreated in the face of battle.

He is not afraid of embarrassment, King Xiaoyao is even more afraid.

Sure enough, this is a naughty kid who doesn't make anyone worry.

"Nonsense, nonsense. Great-grandfather doesn't allow you to come to Xuming Ancient Territory. He has his own reasons. How dare you make your own decision!" The young man shouted harshly, with a bit of disgust seeming to be hidden in his eyes.

"When did your great-grandfather not let me come to Xuming Ancient Territory? It's obviously what you said." Ning Yu'er said unconvinced.

"My great-grandfather never said he wouldn't let you come to the Xuming Ancient Territory, but he didn't allow you to come either," the young man said.

"That's alright, great-grandfather didn't say anything, it was all you who said it. I'm here anyway, so that's it." Ning Yu'er said, acting like a rogue.

"No, the Xuming Ancient Territory is full of dangers. Go back to me immediately." The young man said.

Dangerous? Half a day ago, Gu Fenghua and others would probably have snorted at this, but they had just experienced a hard battle and almost lost their lives, but no one could laugh.

"Sorry, I heard that the Emperor of Heaven and the four heavenly kings will place heavy restrictions on the Xuming Ancient Territory every time the demon-slaying campaign begins. I can't go back even if I want to. When the demon-slaying campaign is over, I will naturally go back. You don't have to worry anymore, just go about your business." Ning Yu'er made a face and said with a naughty smile.

As a result, everyone around Gu Fenghua had their eyes fixed and showed signs of bending again. Even many people in the other group swallowed their saliva.

Gu Fenghua began to sweat again on his forehead. It seems that we need to get him to get rid of these bad habits of acting coquettish and cute as soon as possible.

My own mentality has changed, and I just feel childish when I look at it, but in the eyes of others, it's obviously not the case.

What's worse is that they are all men, men!

"Haha, you don't have to worry about this. My great-grandfather gave me a Void-Breaking Taoist Talisman to participate in this expedition to defeat demons. I will send you back right now. Be obedient and don't let your family worry." The young man was gentle. He smiled, as if he was full of care for Ning Yuer. But that smile always makes people feel a little fake.

"No, no, no, just take care of yourself, don't worry about me." Ning Yu'er said and quietly backed away, apparently ready to run away.

"Yu'er, do you really want to force me to take action?" The young man took a step forward and shouted sharply.

"Hmph, don't think that I don't know what you are planning. It's good that we know some things well and don't bully others too much." Ning Yu'er's face changed and she said angrily, with tears glistening in her eyes.

Gu Fenghua looked at the tears in his eyes and sighed secretly.

Although she didn't know what was going on, just looking at the young man's fake smile and the disgust hidden in his eyes, she could imagine that the relationship between Ning Yu'er and this person was probably not that simple, and there was probably something involved behind it. The internal strife within a wealthy family.

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