My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 6042 6043 Such a shameful thing

"Ning Yu'er, I won't say anything more to you. You can go back now, otherwise don't blame me for not saving face for you." After hearing Ning Yu'er's words, the young man's smile dropped and he said coldly.

As he spoke, six holy rainbows appeared between his eyebrows, and he stretched out his hand to grab Ning Yu'er.

If it were another sixth-grade Saint Transformation, Ning Yu'er would have the ability to defeat the enemy by leaping through the ranks, but judging from this tone, both of them should be descendants of King Xiaoyao, so how could he possibly defeat the enemy by leapfrogging through the ranks.

"Wait a minute, I have already sworn a poisonous oath to follow her until the end of this demon-killing expedition. I, the people of Xiaoyao Tianwang Mansion, can't break my word. If you send me away, you are not letting my great-grandfather Sir, are you embarrassed?" Ning Yu'er knew that she was no match for him, so she hid behind Gu Fenghua, bent down to hide her body, and said with only one head exposed.

"What, Ning Yu'er, a descendant of your dignified King Xiaoyao actually made such a poisonous oath!" The young man was startled at first, and then scolded him with a look of shame and anger.

"There's nothing I can do, I can't beat her. And she specializes in slapping her in the face. Do you know that a slapping in the face hurts? I've never been beaten like that in my whole life. I can't resist it." Ning Yu'er said with a look on her face He said with a grimace, tears welling up in his eyes again.

This is not an act, every word comes from the heart. The slap in the face really hurt, and he really couldn't resist it.

"How dare you, who are you? How dare you bully me into the palace of Prince Xiaoyaotian!" The young man knew Ning Yu'er well and saw that he was not lying, so he shouted at Gu Fenghua angrily.

"Her name is Gu Fenghua, a disciple of Qingyuan Daofu. Also, she didn't bully me, it was me who wanted to bully her, but I failed and was bullied by her instead.

Tianxin Taoist House, you know, my maternal great-grandmother was born in Tianxin Taoist House. A few days ago, Tianxin Taoist House and Qingyuan Taoist House suffered a tragic defeat. I originally wanted to gain back the ground for them and show her some skills. Who I know she is so strong.

If it was just about being stronger, I wouldn't be afraid of him. We, the descendants of Prince Xiaoyao's Mansion, can lack anything but blood. But there's really nothing I can do, it hurts when she hits her face, one punch to the left, one to the right, it feels asymmetrical, so I have to add another punch, that's it, I..." Ning Yu'er explained patiently.

Speaking of sadness, the heartbreaking pain seemed to come from his cheeks again, and he couldn't help but wipe the corners of his eyes.

Next to them, Lin Yujing and others wanted to laugh, but were embarrassed to laugh out loud. They endured and endured until their cheeks cramped and their shoulders rose and fell involuntarily.

"Shut up!" The young man was so angry that his whole body was trembling.

You have the nerve to say such an embarrassing thing. Do you know your identity? Do you know that the entire Xiaoyaotian Palace has been embarrassed?

"Okay, you know what's going on. Let's go first." After Ning Yu'er finished speaking, she looked at Gu Fenghua again, with tears in her eyes, full of pleading.

"Let's go." Gu Fenghua sighed secretly and said to everyone.

To be honest, she really didn't want to get involved in King Xiaoyao's family affairs, but when she saw Ning Yu'er's pitiful eyes, she thought that they had lived and died together before, but she couldn't refuse.

"Stop!" Gu Fenghua was about to lead everyone away when the young man suddenly moved his feet and stood in front of them.

Gu Fenghua raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at him calmly.

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