My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 6052 How could 6053 be so quiet?

Of course, no one can be sure that the town is where the demons reside, but even if it is not the demons, it is not a good thing to rebel against other tribes.

These days, the bullies are all small fish and shrimps, and everyone is inevitably nervous when they suddenly see such a town.

But soon, they discovered something was wrong.

It was at dusk, which should have been the busiest time, but the whole town was lifeless. You couldn't hear any noise, and you couldn't even feel the slightest life.

Although the town is not big, it can accommodate a population of more than 100,000. How can it be so quiet?

"It seems to be bloody!" Lin Yujing said solemnly. Having experienced battles for a long time, he is more familiar with and more sensitive to the bloody aura.

After hearing his words, others became even more nervous.

"Would you like to go take a look?" Ning Yu'er, on the other hand, has experienced a lot of killings these days. Instead of showing any uneasiness on her face, she said happily.

"Okay, let's go take a look." Gu Fenghua nodded and said.

In the past few months, they have found many treasures that should be robbed, but they have not encountered any demons, nor have they encountered any major races including Qingyuan and Fuso Shenmu.

Although this was also the result of her deliberate avoidance, didn't those races need the treasure to be robbed? How could they not have encountered it even once?

Not to mention Gu Fenghua, Lin Yujing and others felt something was wrong. They had caught a few murderers and asked them, but they were also confused. However, from what they said, it seemed that there had been some changes within the demon clan and other clans, but what exactly the changes were, they couldn't tell.

Now that he saw such a town that looked like a dead city, Gu Fenghua felt even more weird. It's okay if you haven't encountered it. Now that you have encountered it, you naturally have to go and see what happens.

When they got closer, everyone discovered that the ancient city wall was mottled and incomplete, covered with scars from swords and swords, and there were also many marks from giant axes and heavy hammers.

Nearly a thousand corpses fell on the city wall. Although they had been weathered into bones, the pain and despair before death could still be seen from their struggling and twisted postures.

The cold wind howled through the ancient city, bringing a bit of a bone-chilling chill. Everyone was stunned by the scene before them. They stood at the city gate for a long time before walking inside.

The city was in ruins, everywhere was charred by the fire, and the once narrow and crowded streets were littered with corpses.

"This should be the city belonging to the Teng She clan." Lin Yujing looked at the white bones and corpses on the street, then looked back at the incomplete totem badge on the city head, and said in a deep voice.

Although they have turned into bones, it can be seen that most of the corpses are in human form, some are half-human and half-animal, and some are still human, but they are in complete animal form.

It is difficult for Gu Fenghua to judge the race from the skeleton. There is no way. In the Wuji Holy Heaven, the Soaring Snake is also regarded as an ancient mythical beast. It disappeared tens of thousands of years ago. She has only seen the drawings in ancient books. Just look at the skeleton. Maybe you can recognize what kind of monster it is.

What's more, when the monsters and beasts have reached a certain level of cultivation, if they die in human form and turn into withered bones after death, they are also in human form, and she will not be able to recognize them.

However, Lin Yujing was born in the Supreme Heaven, so naturally he would not admit his mistake.

"The one attacking the city is the Haechi clan." Feng Qirui added.

In the ruins, there were a few corpses entangled with each other. It was obvious that they were still fighting desperately before dying, and finally died together.

If they were all in human form, there wouldn't be much of a difference, but from the skeletons that were half human, half beast, or completely returned to their prototypes, racial differences could also be seen.

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