My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 6053 6054 This is a great opportunity

"It's strange. The Tengshe clan and the Haozhi clan were unwilling to be ruled by Emperor Haokong. They rebelled against the Supreme Heaven together tens of thousands of years ago. They should have been allies. Why are they killing each other again now?" Ning Yu'er said no. Xie said.

After all, Gu Fenghua has not been in Supreme Heaven for a long time. Although he has carefully read through the "Tianlu" several times, probably for the sake of avoiding taboos, the "Tianlu" contains no records of those races that dare to go against the Emperor Haokong. The words were unclear, so it was a bit strange to hear the words.

Even Ning Yu'er, the descendant of King Xiaoyao, couldn't figure it out, and of course others were even more confused.

Confused, everyone continued walking towards the city.

The deeper you go into the city, the more intense the traces left by the old battle... No, it's not just intense, it's clearly tragic!

Along the street, through the city, through the city lord's palace, and finally through the city gate on the opposite side, there was not a single living person in the city. Women, children, old and young, all turned into withered bones.

Even though they were just dead bones, even though just a few months ago, everyone still regarded the remnants of the various clans in the Xuming Ancient Territory as mortal enemies, fantasizing about killing them in exchange for military exploits, and went to the realm of reincarnation with Emperor Haokong, but they saw such a tragic scene. , everyone still felt unspeakable sadness, as if there was a huge stone pressing heavily on their hearts, and they could not utter a word after leaving the city for a long time.

"What happened? How could the Tengshe clan and the Haechi clan kill each other to such an extent?" After standing on a hillside for a long time, Gu Fenghua took out a breath and said with a frown.

The reason why she has no interest in killing the demons is because Ye Yunji has half of the blood of the demons, and she herself has a close connection with the Qingyuan clan, and may even have the blood of the Fuso sacred tree, and in the Supreme Heaven, These races are also treated as demons.

Nowadays, the Tengshe clan and the Haezhi clan are fighting each other, even to the point of massacre of the city. I don't know what the situation is like with other clans.

Once the war in the Xuming Ancient Territory is ignited, it will be difficult for other tribes to survive alone. Is it very difficult?

Could it be that the reason why we haven't met these races these days is because the races are killing each other and have no time to care about others? The more Gu Fenghua thought about it, the more it seemed possible, and he felt a little inexplicable worry in his heart.

"Sir, maybe that's why we haven't encountered demons these days." Feng Qirui said thoughtfully, obviously thinking about this.

"If that's the case, then we don't have to worry." Lin Yujing's eyes lit up.

"Sir, this is a great opportunity." Everyone else became excited when they heard this.

They have collected almost all the treasures that should be catastrophic on the periphery of the Xuming Ancient Territory. In the past few days, in order to avoid the demons, they have gained almost nothing.

If they want to continue to search for the treasure that should be robbed, they must get close to the places where various tribes live. The current civil strife among various tribes is a great opportunity for them.

"Let's go!" Seeing the eager looks in their eyes, Gu Fenghua quickly made up his mind.

Although everyone was sincerely convinced by her, if she wandered around the periphery of the Xuming Ancient Territory with no results and delayed until the end of the demon-conquering campaign, they would inevitably be disappointed. Moreover, she also wanted to find out what happened to each clan. It just so happens that it kills two birds with one stone.

Everyone walked against the wind, and under the guidance of the "Xu Ming Heaven and Earth Mirror", they flew towards the places where various races lived.

After more than a month, everyone passed through another town with sad expressions.

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