My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 6054 The only difference in 6055

Like the previous city belonging to the Soaring Snake Clan, this ancient city had also experienced the devastation of war. The city was in ruins and covered with bones, and not a single person was left alive.

But this time it was the Haizhi clan that was unlucky, but it was not Teng She who took action, but the Zhu Yan clan.

Having seen the tragic massacre of the Tengshe clan before, everyone instinctively sympathized with them, and naturally hated the vicious and cruel Haezhi clan. But this time, seeing the miserable end of the Haizhi clan, they could no longer hate it.

In the following days, everyone gradually discovered several monster-affiliated cities. Like the previous two towns, these towns were also destroyed by the flames of war. No one, old or young, was spared from the monsters in the city, leaving only one body. With dry bones.

The only difference is that each time, the siege team is different, and the races that are massacred are also different. But the miserable scene was exactly the same.

Although Gu Fenghua and others found many treasures along the way, and even gained more than the previous months combined, they could no longer experience the joyful mood, and their hearts were always filled with Unspeakable sadness and desolation.

At the same time, the doubts in everyone's minds are getting thicker and thicker: What happened in the Xuming Ancient Territory, and why do the major races kill each other with such cruel and vicious methods?

Unconsciously, several months passed. Gu Fenghua and others found more than ten Nine Heavens Yingdao Gold. Walking through a valley, another ancient town appeared in sight.

"Let's go take a look?" Gu Fenghua paused, hesitated for a moment, and then walked towards the town.

She passed through the desolate ruins and bones and corpses again and again. Even if the dead were all monsters, she couldn't bear to look at them anymore. But she still had doubts about the inexplicable war in the Xuming Ancient Territory. Thinking of the Demon Clan, the Qingyuan Clan and the Fusang Shenmu Clan who had a great connection with her, she became even more worried and wanted to find an answer.

Although the others were also worried, after all, they had nothing to do with the major races in the Xuming Ancient Territory, and they had become somewhat numb over time, so they did not object and followed closely behind.

Soon, a group of people came under the city wall and stopped to look. Everyone's eyes froze.

Like the previous towns, this town also experienced a massacre, but it obviously didn't last long. Corpses lay scattered beside the city wall, and none of them had rotted. They held swords in their hands, with dried blood condensing beneath their bodies, and the grief, anger and helplessness before death could even be seen in their eyes.

"Humans, they are human beings!" A cry came from the crowd.

Although most of the monsters from the Supreme Heaven can take the form of humans, and even their meridians are not much different from those of humans, there are still some subtle differences that can be seen in skin, hair, appearance, eyes, etc.

Gu Fenghua didn't have much contact with them and couldn't tell them apart, but Lin Yujing and others could tell at a glance that these people were all human beings.

"Hurry, there might be someone alive!" Gu Fenghua took the lead and rushed towards the city.

Not long after this massacre ended, the fire in the city was still burning, and thick black smoke was still rising in many places. It was possible to find survivors.

For a moment, Gu Fenghua didn't think about the origins of these humans and how they could build such a city in the Xuming Ancient Territory.

Lin Yujing and others thought of this, but no matter what, these people were their own kind. Seeing them being massacred like this, everyone was filled with grief and anger. If they could save a few lives, they would certainly be obliged to do so.

Following Gu Fenghua, a group of people rushed into the city.

Along the way, corpses were still strewn all over the ground. All the people in sight were human beings, but no corpses of monsters were seen. It is estimated that the opponent has already cleaned the battlefield once after massacring the city. After cleaning up their own corpses, only these human corpses were left exposed in the wilderness.

Seeing this, Gu Fenghua and others felt unspeakable sadness and resentment in their hearts.

"Ah..." A shrill scream suddenly came from the front.

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