My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 6056 6057 Gu Fenghua, do you still want to save them?

Originally they were still afraid of Gu Fenghua, but after a few months, that fear gradually faded a lot. After seeing the powerful strength shown by Fu Qingtian occasionally, that fear became even more intense. Indifferent.

At this time, Fu Qi Tian was standing in front, and they didn't even pay attention to Gu Fenghua.

"Master Fu, they are all compatriots of my human race, and there are two old people and a few children, and they have no cultivation. Let me ask you for a favor on their behalf and let them go." Gu Fenghua softened his tone and said to Fu Qitian said.

With her character, it was of course impossible for her to bow to Fu Qingtian, but the two old men and several children were in their hands, and Gu Fenghua did not want to anger Fu Qingtian and endanger their lives.

Lin Yujing and others have followed Gu Fenghua for a long time, and they have some understanding of her temperament that is soft on the outside but strong on the inside. After seeing her actions, I quickly understood her thoughts and couldn't help but be moved and admired by her.

"Let them go, do you know their origins?" Fu Qitian said indifferently.

Although Gu Fenghua had softened his tone, the angry shouting at the beginning still made him feel very uncomfortable.

"Where are they from?" Gu Fenghua asked.

Although these two old men are both very old and their cultivation level is not very high, bad guys also grow old sometimes. Who knows what their previous identities were.

If they were like Xia Houzhan, they had committed crimes in the Supreme Heaven and had no way out before escaping to the Xuming Ancient Realm. To save them, there really is no distinction between right and wrong.

"They are the descendants of Lu Xuanshuang." Fu Qitian said.

"Lu Xuanshuang?" Gu Fenghua was a little confused. He searched carefully in his mind, but he had no impression.

"Lu Xuanshuang was one of the nine generals under the former Emperor Lingxu. Emperor Lingxu unexpectedly fell, and most of the other generals who accompanied him also fell. Lu Xuanshuang was responsible for guarding the Heavenly Palace, so he survived.

Then Emperor Haokong succeeded to the throne, and the four heavenly kings and all the star kings and generals all surrendered. However, Lu Xuanshuang rebelled against his superiors and led his troops to become enemies of Emperor Haokong. Later, he was defeated and hid in the Xuming Ancient Realm. "Lin Yujing knew that Gu Fenghua was "focused on cultivation" and didn't know much about the history of Supreme Heaven, so he said in a low voice.

In fact, things were not as simple as he said. When Emperor Lingxu fell, many people were suspicious of Haokong Heaven and Earth. The four heavenly kings and all the star kings and generals did not surrender to him at the beginning, and there were not only those who led their troops to cause chaos. Lu Xuanshuang is alone.

It's just that these are taboos in the Supreme Heaven, and you can't talk too much to Gu Fenghua.

Although Lin Yujing said it simply and was vague in many places, Gu Fenghua understood it. Lu Xuanshuang was also an enemy of Emperor Haokong because he was loyal to his father. It was not a rebellion at all.

"Gu Fenghua, do you still want to save them?" Fu Qitian also heard Lin Yujing's words and looked at Gu Fenghua with a sneer.

"Your Majesty, you have a clear lesson. My ancestor made a big mistake back then, but he was injured by His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven. He fled to the Xuming Ancient Territory and passed away not long after. Although we are descendants of the Lu family, these tens of thousands of He stayed in the Xuming Ancient Territory for many years and stayed safe, never doing anything harmful to nature.

These children are young and don’t understand anything, not even who their ancestors are. If you want to kill me, you can kill us. I hope you can let them live. "The old man was already determined to die. When he saw Gu Fenghua coming to stop him and seeing hope of survival, he knelt down on the ground and begged for mercy with tears streaming down his face.

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