My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 6057 6058 She has to do some things

"Old man, please get up. Tens of thousands of years have passed for your ancestors. What does it have to do with you? Even if Lu Xuanshuang made a huge mistake, he himself has already turned into dust, and the descendants of the Lu family are trapped in the void. After so many years in the Netherworld, we have been punished enough. How could we kill innocent people indiscriminately?" Gu Fenghua helped the old man up and said comfortingly.

"Gu Fenghua, do you know what you are doing?" Seeing Gu Fenghua's actions, Fu Qingtian's face sank slightly and he asked.

"You know, didn't I make it very clear? It happened tens of thousands of years ago. Even if Lu Xuanshuang made a huge mistake back then and harmed his family, it shouldn't have harmed him now, right?" Gu Fenghua said disapprovingly. .

If we really want to trace the history of the Supreme Heaven, it may be traced back to millions of years ago. The blood has been passed down from generation to generation. If a family does not have a few unworthy descendants, even if they commit a serious crime and kill the nine clans, they will not kill all their descendants. If that were the case, the Supreme God would have killed one of them long ago. There are no more left.

What's more, Lu Xuanshuang didn't make any mistakes, he was just loyal to his old master. The most important thing is that his old master was still his father, Emperor Lingxu. No matter what, Gu Fenghua must save the lives of his descendants.

Fu Yitian fell silent after hearing this. Gu Fenghua was right. Although Emperor Lingxu ordered Lu Xuanshuang to be killed by the nine tribes back then, after so many years, his descendants had no idea how many generations had been passed down. Obviously, he was not before the execution. List.

But soon, he smiled coldly again, and his eyes suddenly became sharp.

He Fu Qi Tian wants to kill people. There are few people in the world who can stop him, and even if there is, it is definitely not Gu Fenghua.

He had given Gu Fenghua enough face last time. If he hadn't considered the overall situation and didn't want to cause trouble, he wouldn't have let her leave alive.

I thought that even if she wasn't grateful to him, she would know how far she could hide from him. Who knew that she was so ignorant that she dared to be his enemy.

They were just two bad old men and bad old ladies with low cultivation level, plus a few little brats. They didn't care at all whether they killed him or not. But he had already given in in front of Gu Fenghua last time. If he gave in again today, what would the young and powerful men from the three kingdoms think of him?

If word spreads, how will the people in the major star regions of the Supreme Heaven view him, and what will the ancestor who is still firmly seated as the King of Heaven view him?

He is a bully, and it is enough to give in once, but he will never give in a second time!

"Gu Fenghua, I admit that what you said makes sense. But it's a pity that no one can save the people I, Fu Qi Tian, ​​want to kill." As he spoke, Fu Qi Tian slowly drew out his long sword.

Gu Fenghua raised his brows slightly and tightened his grip on the sword hilt.

"Sir!" Lin Yujing and others looked at Gu Fenghua anxiously.

Although they also have some sympathy for these descendants of the Lu family, it is obviously extremely unwise to make enemies of Fu Qi Tian for such people. Regardless of victory or defeat, Gu Fenghua will not get any benefit.

More importantly, Fu Qi Tian is the descendant of the Ming Jing Heavenly King and the real Little Heavenly King. Can Gu Fenghua really defeat him?

"Don't worry, I have my own sense of proportion." Gu Fenghua saw what they were worried about and said calmly.

In fact, she didn't want to be Fu Qitian's enemy. Regardless of Fu Qingtian's own strength, if she wants to deal with Emperor Haokong in the future, she may also need to rely on the strength of King Mingjing. There is no need to start a grudge with him prematurely.

But there are some things she has to do.

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