My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 6067 6068 Are you still unwilling to give up?

Fu Qingtian flew out heavily, and the Mingjing Heavenly King Mirror fell to the side, cracking with fine lines.

Although this is an artifact, it is not an offensive artifact after all, let alone a defensive artifact. It also cannot stop Gu Fenghua's shocking sword.

In fact, this was because Gu Fenghua had reservations, otherwise this sword would have killed Fu Qitian.

There was deathly silence all around again.

Everyone was completely stunned, or petrified.

Even though he sacrificed the legendary Pluto Demonic Mirror, Fu Qitian was still no match for Gu Fenghua!

It's terrible, her strength is really terrible.

"Plop!" A young strong man who had ridiculed Gu Fenghua before rolled his eyes and fainted to death in fear.

I don't know whether he was really fainted or fake, but it was obvious that at this time, fainting was undoubtedly a good way to save his life.

A peerless genius like Gu Fenghua, who is capable of overcoming bullies at a young age, will definitely have limitless achievements in the future. Naturally, he will also cherish feathers. He will probably not kill someone who is unconscious and unable to fight back. ?

So, immediately after, one after another the young strong men rolled their eyes and fell to the ground with a "plop, plop" and "fright".

Gu Fenghua indeed ignored them, not because he cherished the feathers, but because he had seen too many such blind people and was too lazy to be familiar with them.

"You lost." Gu Fenghua looked at Fu Qingtian, who was half lying on the ground opposite him, and said in a voice without any emotion.

The sword energy stirred up and scattered his hairband. His long hair, which had been meticulously combed, was draped randomly on his shoulders, with a few withered weeds mixed in the hair. His well-tailored robe was also cut by the sword energy. There is a hole, and thousands of threads hang on the body.

At this time, Fu Qitian was as embarrassed as a beggar, and there was no trace of the charm of the Little Heavenly King of Mingjing.

Out of sympathy, Gu Fenghua didn't want to stimulate his deeply hit and frustrated mind.

After saying that, she didn't look at Fu Qingtian again, turned around and walked towards the old man of the Lu family.

"Young Master, Young Master!" Several middle-aged men breathed a long sigh of relief, rushed to Fu Qitian's side, and quickly took out the healing pill and gave it to him.

They could see that Gu Fenghua's last sword attack actually saved Fu Qingtian. Otherwise, if he had continued to forcibly use the Pluto Demonic Mirror, even if he did not die, he would have been seriously injured, and his life would not have been saved.

Gu Fenghua's sword seemed to have seriously injured Fu Qitian, but he only suffered damage to his meridians and sea of ​​energy, and it was difficult to strike again for the time being. However, it did not damage his foundation. He took the healing pill in time and cultivated for a while. It will be fine.

Therefore, they were more grateful to Gu Fenghua, but they had no desire to avenge Fu Qi Tian.

Of course, even Fu Qingtian was injured like this by Gu Fenghua, and they asked themselves that they did not have the strength to avenge him.

"Sir!" Seeing Gu Fenghua completely defeating Fu Qingtian, Lin Yujing and others finally came forward with the huge stone in their hearts falling to the ground. They came up to her excitedly and looked at her with admiration. Even Ning Yu'er was no exception.

"Gu Fenghua, I want to kill someone, no one can stop me, no one!" At this moment, Du Qingtian's crazy roar suddenly sounded from behind.

And almost as soon as his voice sounded, a sword light slashed out again.

Are you still unwilling to give up? It seemed that this naughty kid was completely hopeless.

Looking at other people, Ning Yu'er is very aware of current affairs and will give in after a few punches. But he, even though he is so injured, still refuses to give in.

After all, Fu Qitian had not damaged his foundation, and Gu Fenghua did not dare to be careless and turned around immediately.

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