Then, her expression suddenly changed.

Fu Qingtian's sword was not directed at her, but at a child next to the old man Lu.

It was related to their own life and death. Of course, the old man and the old woman of the Lu family were even more nervous about the battle between Gu Fenghua and Fu Qingtian. They were so absorbed in watching the battle that they didn't notice the child, but they didn't know when he came from behind them. He got out and took a few steps forward curiously. This time, he was exposed to Fu Qi Tian's sword without any resistance.

Crazy, Fu Qitian is crazy!

According to his previous promise, since he was defeated by Gu Fenghua, he should let the descendants of the Lu family live. He had been defeated repeatedly but had repeatedly broken his promise, and now he actually did this to a defenseless child.

He is a strong man of the eighth level of the Holy Transformation, and he is also the successor of the mantle designated by King Mingjing Tian. By doing this, isn't he afraid of being ridiculed by others, and is he not afraid of losing the face of King Mingjing?

Everyone was stunned by this scene, even those who were lying on the ground pretending to be dead, their eyes widened and they turned over involuntarily.

Gu Fenghua also didn't expect that Fu Yitian would be so frantic. He was completely unprepared and could only block the sword light with one sword.

Unfortunately, in such a hurry, this sword could not exert much power at all. Fu Qingtian was so angry that he exploded the holy spirit regardless of the consequences. Although his injuries were aggravated several times, and even his cultivation would inevitably plummet afterward, the power of this sword was not much worse than before.

"Qiang!" With a clear cry, Gu Fenghua's sword light slashed across Fu Qitian's dark sword light, but failed to completely break it.

The remaining power of the sword was not exhausted, and it struck the child.

"Ah..." A childish scream sounded, and the child flew several feet away and fell in a pool of blood.

Looking at this scene in bewilderment, almost everyone had a look of unbearable expression on their faces, and there were waves of chills rising on their bodies, as if the air had solidified.

Gu Fenghua's heart was filled with deep sadness and uncontrollable anger.

"Why, why!" Gu Fenghua shouted angrily.

"Hahahaha, I want to kill someone, no one can stop me, no one!" Fu Qitian seemed not to see her anger, and still laughed wildly.

The next moment, he was seen flying up, with blood-red eyes, and slashed at several other children with his sword.

"With one sword, the saint returns!" The anger in Gu Fenghua's heart was like a volcano erupting.

In his eyes dimmed by tears, the figure of the child lying in a pool of blood seemed to be twitching slightly, so sad.

Her heart was filled with regret: not every naughty child could be saved, and she shouldn't have shown mercy with that sword blow just now!

She would never make the same mistake twice.

All the holy energy and all the power of blood are poured into the Qingyun Sword without reservation, and all the anger and regret are also poured into this sword.

"I told you that this guy was not a good person, he should have been killed a long time ago." In his mind, the sword spirit screamed again.

But this time, Gu Fenghua was no longer ashamed.

The eyes blurred by tears were filled with murderous intent that had never been seen before.

"Stop!" Seeing this, the expressions of the middle-aged men changed dramatically again.

"Sir, please show mercy!" Lin Yujing and others also shouted in horror.

It was the first time that they felt such strong murderous intent in Gu Fenghua. Even they were frightened by it and even more frightened.

If it were anyone else, even a descendant of Xing Jun, who was so unpromising and so heartless, he would be killed. No matter how dissatisfied the other party is, he cannot blatantly do anything to Gu Fenghua.

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