My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 6084 6085 Being splashed with such dirty water

"No, we must stop them!" Gu Fenghua made a quick decision and said to everyone.

Even if she didn't consider her own safety, she couldn't just watch the Demon Clan, the Qingyuan Clan, and the Fuso Shenmu Clan, which were closely related to her, be destroyed like this.

"Yes, they must be stopped. After hearing the meaning of Ren Yueming's words, it is not the subordinates of the four heavenly kings who provoked the disputes among the clans in the Xuming Ancient Territory, but someone else. Their conspiracy must not be allowed to succeed." Ning Yu Erye said through gritted teeth.

He is also a member of Xiaoyaotianwangfu, so of course he will not be happy if someone throws such dirty water on him.

As for who the other person was, he didn't say much. Of course, there is no need for him to say more. Apart from the people of Emperor Haokong, are there any other possibilities?

Using the Xuming Ancient Territory to weaken the strength of the four king realms was his original intention in launching the demon-killing expedition. After these several expeditions to defeat demons, even Lin Yujing and other Tianling Guard commanders noticed something strange. How could he not guess that the four heavenly kings had reached a tacit agreement with the demons, and how could he let them get their wish?

"I roughly know where the Ruomu clan lives, so I will send Yue Ming back." Lu Qiuhong volunteered.

Now only Wen Ren Yueming knows the truth of the matter, and only he can resolve the misunderstanding and resolve this crisis.

"I'll send you there." Gu Fenghua said.

Although looking at this situation, the major races in the Xuming Ancient Territory may have discovered something fishy, ​​but after fighting each other for so long, the hatred between each other cannot be resolved easily. Even if there is a truce on the surface, there will probably not be too many people secretly stabbing Leng to avenge their clansmen.

What's more, in addition to the major races, there are also murderers from the Supreme Heaven in the Xuming Ancient Territory. Most of these people are usually suppressed by various races and find it difficult to stand up. It is rare to have such an opportunity to fish in troubled waters. If you meet Lu Qiuhong, you will never be able to attack him. polite.

Gu Fenghua couldn't rest assured about his cultivation in the early stage of Sainthood.

"No need, all the clans in the Xuming Ancient Territory now hate you to the core. If you go, won't you throw yourself into a trap?" Lu Qiuhong also knew what Gu Fenghua was worried about, but he didn't want to see her take risks.

"It's okay. Tianyu City is a human city, so why don't I pretend to be a citizen of the city." Gu Fenghua had already thought of this, but he was not worried at all.

"That's true." Lu Qiuhong patted his forehead, and then realized that he knew Gu Fenghua's identity, but other tribes knew nothing about it. There was nothing to worry about pretending to be a citizen of Tianyu City.

"In that case, let's go too." Ning Yu'er said excitedly.

"You?" Gu Fenghua hesitated.

It was enough for her to pretend to be a citizen of Tianyu City. With so many people pretending to be one, it would be too easy for flaws to appear.

"Think about it, now the major races in the Xuming Ancient Territory hate us to death, and they may have sent out manpower to search for our whereabouts. It is not safe for us to go anywhere. On the contrary, it is much safer to go to the place where the Ruomu clan lives. ." Ning Yu'er said.

"Well, the most dangerous place is the safest. You are right. Let's go." Gu Fenghua nodded and agreed with Ning Yu'er's statement.

Lu Qiuhong thought about it carefully and felt that this was the most appropriate, so he said nothing more and led everyone towards the place where the Ruomu clan lived.

Just as Gu Fenghua and others were heading to the Ruomu clan, in the distance, a middle-aged man wearing dark red armor and an imposing figure looked at the huge Void Emperor Soul Umbrella in the sky and poured the amber wine in the cup. He drank it all with a proud smile on his face,

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