My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 6085 6086 Just a little trick

"My lord, you have a clever plan, and they really took action." From behind, a young man also wearing dark red armor said excitedly.

"It's just a little trick." The middle-aged man said nonchalantly, but the look of pride on his face became a bit thicker.

"Your Majesty, His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven must be impressed by your great achievements." The young man said in compliment.

"Hmph, when Greed Wolf and Po Jun were around, I was a bit behind them as a good planner and a good judgement. But since the two of them left, Big Dipper Lords should have regarded me as honest and honest. Chief." The middle-aged man snorted and said angrily.

It turns out that he is Qin Nanxian, one of the Seven Star Lords of the Big Dipper, Lian Zhenxing Lord.

Among the seven star kings, Lian Zhen is known for being far-sighted and enterprising, but she is also arrogant, strong-willed and competitive, and often goes her own way.

When Greedy Wolf Star Lord Yu Wen Zhenchen and Pojun Star Lord Ye Lishang were around, he had never been reused by Haokong, and was even suppressed by the two of them and couldn't hold his head up. Then the two of them went to a foreign land without a trace. According to the news, he thought he had a chance to succeed, but he didn't expect Haokong to use Seven Kill Star Lord Han Tianxing again, and he still didn't have a chance to turn around.

It was not until this time that he came to the Xuming Ancient Territory under the secret order of the Emperor of Heaven that he finally found an opportunity to show off his abilities.

"What your Excellency said is absolutely, absolutely true. The Seven Lords of the Big Dipper should have been led by you. If you hadn't kept a low profile these years, how would you have been punished by the cold sky to show off in front of His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven." Of course the young man would not throw cold water on him, and repeatedly He nodded and said.

"You have worked hard these days, go down and rest. When you return to the Supreme Heaven, everyone will be rewarded greatly." Qin Nanxian felt extremely comfortable with his flattery, and waved his hands with a smile on his face.

In order to instigate civil strife among the various tribes in the Xuming Ancient Territory these days, they really put in a lot of effort, and then they "coincidentally" let all tribes know the truth and shifted the blame to the four heavenly kings, and even more painstaking efforts were made. Now that things are finally done, everyone is exhausted physically and mentally.

"Yes, sir." The young man's eyes lit up, and he bowed and stepped back with a smile.

Next to them, a middle-aged man wearing dark cyan armor also looked at the huge Xu Ming Emperor Soul Umbrella in the distance and the Lingxu Heavenly Emperor Formation shining with golden light below. However, he was not as proud as them, and always had a frown on his face. Worry.

"General Fei Tian, ​​are you still worried when things have come to this point?" Qin Nanxian asked with a smile after noticing the worry in his eyes.

This middle-aged man's name is Fei Wuchang, and he is a general under King Mingjing.

It was precisely thanks to him as an internal agent that Qin Nanxian "happily" allowed all the clans in the Xuming Ancient Territory to discover the "truth" and successfully brought the war to the other three kingdoms.

"This time my Mingjing Kingdom betrays the other three kingdoms. If it succeeds, that's all. If it doesn't happen, let alone a mere general like me, even the Lord Heavenly King will be unable to withstand the wrath of the other three Heavenly Kings. I will How can I rest assured?" Fei Wuchang said with a wry smile.

"General Fei Tian is overly worried. Look at the demons who have even sacrificed the Xuming Emperor's Soul Umbrella. This battle will definitely last until the end, and there is no possibility of stopping.

After this battle, the three major kingdoms will inevitably be severely damaged, and they will not be able to cause trouble for you, the Mingjing Kingdom. Besides, do you think that after this battle, His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven will still be able to let them be as carefree as before?

His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven has favored them in every possible way over the years, but it is fine that they are not grateful. Instead, they actually do what they say and do not listen. His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven has tolerated them for a long time. "Qin Nanxian smiled casually.

At the end of the sentence, a cold and sharp look flashed in his eyes.

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