My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 6086 6087 had the idea of ​​dying together

Fei Wuchang's heart moved: Apparently, Emperor Haokong was planning to take action against several heavenly kings. It would be good if they knew it, but if they didn't know it yet, once the demon-killing expedition is over and all the masters of the three royal palaces are wiped out, it will surely be the time for His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven to take action.

Since His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven is ready to take action, what does he have to worry about?

As a result, Fei Wuchang's expression completely relaxed.

Just as Gu Fenghua expected, the murderers from the Supreme Heaven have been suppressed by the various tribes in the Xuming Ancient Territory for many years. Now, taking advantage of the civil war between the various tribes, they finally found an opportunity to fight. Along the way, they met many people. Want to fish in troubled waters.

Although these people are not too strong, most of them have been promoted to the realm of sainthood. Lu Qiuhong's strength in the early stage of becoming a saint is really difficult to cope with. But with their protection, the gods will stop the gods and the ghosts will stop the ghosts.

There was no surprise or danger along the way, but Ning Yuer's Void Spirit Talisman had another golden star shining.

With Lu Qiuhong leading the way, it took less than three days for the group to arrive at the place where the Ruomu clan lived.

The quiet valley is filled with gurgling streams and lush greenery. Dotted with exotic flowers and plants, it is as beautiful as a landscape painting. In the Supreme Heaven, such a scenery is nothing, but in the Xuming Ancient Realm where the laws are twisted, such a beautiful scenery is like a paradise.

But what is strange is that Gu Fenghua and his party led Wenren Yueming into the valley without any hindrance. From beginning to end, they did not see a single person.

It would be understandable if it had been baptized by war like the cities we had seen a few days ago, but the valley was peaceful, with no trace of war at all.

"Where have all the people gone?" Ning Yu'er looked around and asked in confusion.

Gu Fenghua and others were also confused, but no one suspected that Lu Qiuhong was looking in the wrong place. Besides a sacred tree race like Ruomu, who could create such a paradise in the Xuming Ancient Territory?

"It seems that what I said was right. This time, all races really have the idea of ​​perishing together." Lu Qiuhong said in a deep voice.

"Oh?" Gu Fenghua looked at him doubtfully.

“There are no traces of fighting or fighting in the valley, and the Ruomu clan obviously left on their own.

In order to create such a paradise, the Ruomu clan spent tens of thousands of years, and countless clan members worked hard for it. If they hadn't already had the idea of ​​dying together, how could they give up so easily. "Lu Qiuhong explained.

Although they had heard him say it once before, everyone's hearts couldn't help but sink again when they looked at the valley that looked like a paradise but was still in silence.

"Then what should we do?" Ning Yu'er asked.

"If you want to stop them, you can only go to the place where the two sides are fighting." Lu Qiuhong looked in the direction of the Xuming Emperor Soul Umbrella and said helplessly.

"Then go quickly, what are you waiting for?" Lin Yujing said impatiently without noticing the helplessness in his eyes.

"The Ruomu clan is not high in cultivation, and they are close friends with my Lu family. It is not easy to see through your identity. Even if you do, it will not be a big deal. But other clans are different. If you appear in front of them, it will be difficult to hide your identity. Go over there." Lu Qiuhong said worriedly.

"Don't think about it anymore. Find them first. If they are allowed to continue fighting like this, they may destroy the Xuming Ancient Territory and we will be dead." Gu Fenghua made a quick decision and said to Lu Qiuhong.

Originally, we wanted to let the Ruomu clan come forward to resolve the misunderstanding, but now it seems that this is obviously not feasible.

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