My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 6087 6088 The place where Emperor Xuming fell

She also knew that her identity would be difficult to conceal if she appeared like this in front of the demons and other major races, but the closer she got to the battlefield, the more dangerous it would be. She was worried about Lu Qiuhong taking an unconscious child on the road.

"Okay, then you should be more careful and find the Ruomu clan first when you arrive. It's best if you can hide it. If you can't hide it, you should leave immediately." Lu Qiuhong did not stop them this time, but nodded to remind them. said.

Although this journey was uneventful, he knew very well that it was all because of the protection of Gu Fenghua and others. Without them, he would have died countless times.

Afterwards, a group of people left Ruomu Valley and quickly rushed to the battlefield by riding the wind.

In mid-air, the huge Void Emperor Soul Umbrella runes flashed, and countless sword lights and sword shadows poured down like a torrential rain.

Amidst the loud noise, the golden light shield below cracked into cracks.

The earth trembled. Looking down from mid-air, I could see cracks spreading like spider webs on the ground. Towering mountains collapsed one after another. Dust rose into the air and spread all over the sky with the strong wind.

But behind the golden light shield, there is a black stone mountain that always stands tall.

This is the place where Emperor Xuming fell - Emperor Meteor Peak.

It was with the Emperor Meteor Peak as the formation base and the Lingxu Heavenly Emperor Formation that a group of powerful men from the three heavenly kings' palaces managed to hold on until now.

However, if you look closely, you will see that there are cracks on the surface of the stone mountain, and the defensive barrier generated by the formation is full of holes.

In the formation, all the powerful men from the Heavenly King's Palace were exhausted.

After a series of hard battles, almost everyone of them had been injured, and then they tried their best to maintain the formation. The support has now reached the limit.

"Yun Wutian, our four kingdoms have shown mercy to you and all the Xu Ming clans in all the previous campaigns to defeat demons. Do you really want to kill us all today?" An old man with a white beard and a bright head said angrily in the Lingxu Heavenly Emperor's formation. .

His name is Feng Haolie, he is the head of the eighteen heavenly generals under the throne of the Holy Spiritual Heavenly King, and he is also the head of the powerful men in the four heavenly kings' palaces in this demon-slaying expedition.

Of course, now it is not the four heavenly princes' mansions, but the three heavenly princes' mansions. Just before the various clans in the Xuming Ancient Territory suddenly went out of character and launched a massive siege, Fei Wuchang, a subordinate of the Mingjing Heavenly Prince's Palace, led his team to escape. Now he does not know where he has fled, leaving only the men and horses of the other three Heavenly Prince's Palaces fighting bloody battles.

"Show mercy? Haha, you are despicable and shameless. You assassinate strong men from all our races everywhere and instigate us to fight among ourselves. For more than half a year, hundreds of thousands of people from all races have died in the flames of war. This is what you call showing mercy. ?" Opposite, the demon clan leader Yun Wutian, who was dressed in black armor and had a stern face, said with blood-red anger in his eyes as he sneered again and again.

"I have already said that the death of the powerful men from your clans has nothing to do with my Four Heavenly Kings Mansion!" Feng Haolie said.

"It has nothing to do with your Heavenly King's Mansion, so who does it have to do with? I think back then, the four heavenly kings were also the overlords of the Supreme Heaven. If Emperor Lingxu hadn't come out of nowhere, none of them would be worthy of the Emperor of Heaven. Now they actually instigate their subordinates to do such shameless things. Aren't they afraid of being infamy for thousands of years?" Yun Wutian said contemptuously.

"Shut up! My Lord, the Heavenly King, has never done such a despicable thing. Don't spit on me."

"Who do you think you are? You are just a desolate dog. How dare you insult my Lord Heavenly King!" Behind Feng Haolie, a group of generals from the Heavenly King's Mansion, Xingjun, were filled with indignation and cursed loudly.

"Clan Chief Yun, why bother talking nonsense with them? Kill these shameless people!"

"Kill them and avenge my descendants!" Several old men beside Yun Wutian also shouted angrily.

"Kill!" The younger generations from behind raised their arms and shouted.

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