My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 6088 6089 is crazy, all crazy!

"Everyone, we and other tribes have gone through many hardships over the years and managed to survive in the Xuming Ancient Territory.

I think back then, there were many strong men from all our tribes. Looking at the sky, who dared to look down on me? But now, the people of all races are withering away, not to mention the strong ones, and even the blood inheritance of many races has become a problem.

But even so, Emperor Haokong still refused to let us go, and the four heavenly kings even resorted to such despicable methods to kill us and other tribes.

Now, we can only fight to the death. If we win this battle, our tribes may be able to continue their vitality for tens of thousands of years. If we lose, it will be the fate of annihilation. Do you have any complaints? "Yun Wutian turned around and shouted to the children of all races behind him.

"Kill, kill, kill!" His response was an even more passionate shout of killing, and everyone's eyes were filled with blood, filled with sadness, anger, and hatred.

Under Emperor Meteor Peak, murderous intent surged into the sky.

"Kill!" Yun Wutian said no more, shouted sharply, and made his fingerprints again. Several old men next to him also made their fingerprints at the same time.

The holy energy and spiritual thoughts poured towards Xuming Emperor Soul Umbrella without any reservation.

In mid-air, the giant umbrella's divine light bloomed, and countless runes flashed. Each umbrella rib also trembled violently, emitting a soul-stirring scream, as if it was about to break apart and turn into one. The huge sword was thrust out of the air.

"Yun Wutian, you are crazy! Do you want to destroy the Xuming Ancient Territory and completely cut off the bloodlines of all races?" Feng Haolie and others' expressions changed dramatically.

The Xuming Emperor Soul Umbrella is a Taoist weapon specially refined by the Xuming Emperor in order to deal with the calamity. Although Yun Wutian and others can work together to sacrifice it, they cannot send and receive it freely. With their divine will, they cannot do it at all. It controls the spirit of the Taoist weapon, so it can only be used up to three times a day.

After three times, the spirit of the Taoist weapon will most likely be completely out of control. By that time, not only will they themselves be deeply affected by the backlash, they will also likely destroy the entire Xuming Ancient Territory. By then, all the major races in the Xuming Ancient Territory will be unable to escape the disaster of genocide. ,

Right now, it is the fourth time today that Yun Wutian and others sacrifice the Xuming Emperor Soul Umbrella!

Unfortunately, Yun Wutian and others ignored Feng Haolie's angry shouts and just continued to make fingerprints with absolute expressions on their faces.

This time, due to instigation, the major races in the Xuming Ancient Territory turned against each other, and countless people died tragically in the flames of war. If they couldn't kill each other to avenge themselves, and couldn't let out the bad breath in their hearts, how could they be willing to do so.

Besides, if this bad breath cannot be vented, the hatred between the various races will be difficult to resolve. Even if the clan is not exterminated today, it will definitely be destroyed by cannibalism in the future.

Amidst the killing cries, the disciples of all races also stared at blood-red eyes and rushed towards the Emperor's Fall Peak regardless of their own safety.

"Crazy, completely crazy!" Looking at the shadows of thousands of swords and swords that have condensed again under the umbrella of Emperor Xunming's soul, looking at the ribs of the umbrella that are about to disperse and turn into giant swords stabbed in the air, looking at those streaks With a figure full of murderous intent and blood boiling, Feng Haolie muttered to himself with trembling lips.

The others' faces were also ashen, their eyes full of despair. Although as the most loyal subordinates of the heavenly kings, they are not afraid of death, but who is willing to die if they can live well?

They had no choice but to continue destroying the formation.

At this moment, hundreds of figures flew over like flying fireballs.

After finally arriving at the battlefield, Gu Fenghua realized that there were more powerful people from the Heavenly King's Palace participating in the demon-defeating expedition than the ones she had seen before. In the formation, there were as many as tens of thousands of strong men gathered. This means that each king actually sent thousands of subordinates.

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