My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 6089 6090 The arrow has been drawn

Although there are many powerful people in the Supreme Heaven, not too many have actually reached the realm of becoming a saint. With so many powerful people being sent out at once, the heavenly kings have sent out at least most of their elites, if not all of them.

It's no wonder that Emperor Haokong would use such a series of poisonous tricks. Once these elites are eliminated, the four heavenly kings will be equivalent to losing their arms. How can they compete with him?

If both parties in the field died together, and the "remnants" of all races, including the demons, could be eradicated, why wouldn't he do it.

Although it is still unknown whether the other Heavenly Kings are enemies or friends, the Spiritual Saint Heavenly King is obviously still loyal to his father. Gu Fenghua must not just watch his subordinates die in the Xuming Ancient Realm. Of course, for the sake of her own life and death, she couldn't let this decisive battle continue.

Originally, I wanted to find the Ruomu clan first and let them reveal the truth, but now it is obviously too late.

"Stop!" Gu Fenghua shouted loudly in mid-air.

The holy energy in his body stirred up, and the clear and joyful voice resounded throughout the world.

It's a pity that the arrow has already been drawn out of the string, and it can't stop as soon as it is said to stop. Yun Wutian and others just looked up at her in surprise, but there was no pause in the handprints.

Behind him, tens of thousands of disciples from all races were still rushing forward bravely.

"Stop, your tribesmen were assassinated not by people from the four kingdoms, but by someone who instigated dissension!" Gu Fenghua was worried and shouted again.

This time, Yun Wutian and others slowed down their movements slightly, but soon, they resolutely made hand seals.

What Gu Fenghua said was not without speculation, but after a detailed investigation, all the accusations were directed at the subordinates of the Four Heavenly Kings.

Of course they wouldn't believe it if Gu Fenghua said this again.

More importantly, even if someone else really instigates dissension, isn’t that someone from the Supreme Being?

As the heads and elders of various tribes, of course they also know that the four heavenly kings are not on the same journey as the Haokong Emperor, but the problem is that other people in the tribe don't think so.

In the eyes of these people, no matter who killed their relatives, no matter what the conspiracy was, they were still the supreme beings. The real murderer did not show up, so it is only natural to seek revenge from the Four Heavenly Kings.

The various clans are killing each other and have become deadly enemies with each other. Such hatred cannot be resolved even by the clan leaders and elders. If we can't avenge all the tribes as soon as possible and vent their hatred and anger, I'm afraid it won't be long before all the tribes in the Xuming Ancient Territory will die from civil strife, and even the demons will not be spared.

Even if they knew clearly that the subordinates of the Four Heavenly Kings were being framed, they could only make mistakes now.

"With one sword, the saint returns to his origin!" Seeing that Yun Wutian and others were still indifferent, Gu Fenghua could only make up his mind, speed up and get ahead of everyone, and slashed at the clan leaders and elders with one sword.

Knowing that although these people were limited by the twisted laws of heaven and earth in the Xuming Ancient Territory and could not advance to the realm of Taoist Saints, none of them were weak, she did not dare to have too many reservations about taking action.

At the same time as the strongest sword was released, the palm of his left hand also flashed with blood, turning into a fierce sword light.

Sixth level of Saint Transformation, Dao Sword, Saint Pattern! This time, Yun Wutian and others could no longer pretend to be deaf and dumb.

They could still ignore Gu Fenghua's sixth-grade Hua Sheng cultivation, but the power of Qingcang Sword's Taoist weapon even frightened them, and the cold murderous intention of Cangchen Saint Pattern also made them frightened. Palpitations.

After all, they fought against Feng Haolie and others a few days ago, and they were actually seriously injured. The Xuming Emperor Soul Umbrella used in sacrifice in the past few days also suffered serious injuries. At this time, they were busy making hand seals, and they were not sure to accept it in a hurry. Gu Fenghua's Haoran sword and holy pattern sword light could only retreat in a hurry.

"Ka!" As soon as they retreated, the frost-like sword light and blood-colored sword light fell like thunderbolts, cutting an abyss into the place where they were standing.

Although everyone retreated in time and were not injured, they were beaten by the remaining power and became disheveled and miserable.

The next moment, Gu Fenghua and others floated down, confronting Yun Wutian and others across the abyss.

"Who are you!" Yun Wutian straightened her long hair that was fluttering in the wind, stared at Gu Fenghua and asked angrily.

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