My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 6090 6091 Listen to my explanation

"Junior Gu Fenghua, a citizen of Tianyu City. This time the various tribes in the Xuming Ancient Territory are fighting each other, it has nothing to do with the four heavenly kings' palaces. It is actually someone else who is instigating dissension. I also ask all seniors to be careful and not to kill two birds with one stone. Plan." Gu Fenghua said, cupping his hands.

"That's nonsense. We have clearly investigated this matter. The murders of people from all ethnic groups were all done by people from the four heavenly kings' palaces. How can we still unjustly accuse them?" A tall and mighty man on the opposite side had a rough face. The old man roared angrily.

Qin Nanxian's plan to blame the four heavenly kings' palaces was well planned, and he also spent a lot of time to deal with it internally. He also did it flawlessly, so no one could easily see the flaw.

Perhaps a cautious person like Yun Wutian is still a little suspicious, but this old man is not so frivolous, and even nine cows can't pull him back from something he is sure of.

"Yes, you have indeed wronged a good man." Gu Fenghua was not polite to him, pointed at Wenren Yueming who was being held by Lu Qiuhong behind him, and said, "His name is Wenren Yueming, if..."

"Wait a minute, when has there ever been a strong person like you in Tianyu City? Who are you?" Before Gu Fenghua could finish speaking, a middle-aged woman with a beautiful face but a frosty face suddenly pointed at Gu Fenghua. She asked coldly.

"She is from the Four Kingdoms!" Another woman, who was younger and even more charming, suddenly had a red light in her eyes and pointed at Gu Fenghua and yelled.

Gu Fenghua's heart skipped a beat. Although he knew that his identity could not be hidden from the powerful people of various races, he did not expect that it would be revealed so quickly.

"Listen to my explanation, I am indeed..." Gu Fenghua could only explain quickly.

"It turns out that he is a man from the Supreme Heaven. He only wants to kill the younger members of my clan and provoke us and other clans to fight against each other. He actually dares to come in front of us and confuse the people. How brave you are!" Unfortunately, the other party did not say anything more. Give her a chance to speak.

The mighty old man roared loudly, jumped over the abyss cut by Gu Fenghua, raised his fist and struck at it.

In mid-air, the figure that was already two heads taller than an ordinary person seemed to grow in the wind, turning into a giant of more than five feet tall, with the nine holy rainbows between his eyebrows shining brightly.

Ninth level of saint transformation! Gu Fenghua was not surprised by the old man's strength.

Although the laws of heaven and earth are twisted and no matter how hard you practice in the Xuming Ancient Territory, you cannot be promoted to Taoist Saint. However, as the strongest experts in the Xuming Ancient Territory, it is normal for the heads and elders of various tribes to reach the ninth level of Saint Transformation.

"With one sword, the saint returns to his original state!" Gu Fenghua came here to clear up the misunderstanding, not to die. When he saw the old man, he started to attack without any hesitation. How dare he be careless at all. The strongest sword slashed head-on without hesitation, and the bloody sword light of Cangchen's holy pattern was also contained in it.

Almost at the same time she took action, Lin Yujing, Feng Qirui, and Ning Yuer also took a step forward to protect her. Unfortunately, compared with the old man's ninth-grade Saint Transformation level, their strength was too weak.

Before they could slash out with their swords and sabers, a majestic and vast force surged in like an overwhelming force. With muffled groans, the three of them retreated continuously until they were several feet away. They barely managed to stabilize their bodies. They felt the blood and blood in their chests churning endlessly, and they almost spurted out a mouthful of blood.

This is true even for the three of them, not to mention the others. As the old man turned into a giant and punched out, the huge force rolled over the earth like a torrent and huge waves. Even though everyone behind Gu Fenghua was using their holy energy to protect them in front of them, they were staggered and moved backwards involuntarily.

Among all the people, only Gu Fenghua could resist, but only with great difficulty.

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