My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 6093 6094 Third Brother and Fourth Brother

"This is our only chance." Gu Fenghua ignored Ning Yu'er's wounded heart. After saying this, he walked resolutely towards Helian Xiongba.

Lin Yujing and others wanted to say something else, but looking at her delicate yet firm back, they couldn't say a word in the end.

They also know that when things have come to this point, all the clans in the Xuming Ancient Territory are ready to fight. If this final battle breaks out, not to mention the powerful people in the Tianwang Mansion, they will not be able to escape death, and even the entire Xuming The ancient realms will cease to exist.

Gu Fenghua's decision may not be the best, but it is their only choice.

"Who is she?" Fei Wuchang looked at Gu Fenghua's beautiful figure from a distance and asked with a frown.

"Probably a young descendant of some Heavenly King's Palace." Qin Nanxian said disapprovingly.

"Looking at her actions, could it be that she wants to stop this battle?" Fei Wuchang said worriedly.

"Huh, just her? This time all the clans in the Xuming Ancient Territory killed each other and suffered heavy casualties. They hate me deeply. This decisive battle is imminent. Even Feng Haolie is helpless. Why should she, a mere Taoist disciple, stop her? ?" Qin Nanxian said disdainfully.

"Your Excellency is right. Looking at her like this, it seems that she still wants to fight with Helian Batian. Helian Batian is one of the five powerful men in the Xuming Ancient Territory. If it were not restricted by the laws of heaven and earth, I am afraid that he would have been promoted to Taoist Saint. His Majesty, the Emperor of Heaven, must respect him. This little girl actually wants to fight with him, she is clearly seeking death!" Noticing the change in the battle situation, the young man came behind Qin Nanxian again and smiled as if he was gloating.

"That's fine, things are going so smoothly this time. I still feel like I'm still not satisfied. It would be nice to watch another good show, hahahaha." Qin Nanxian laughed.

After saying that, he waved his hand and took out a soft chair from the storage ring. The young man took out a wine bottle knowingly, poured a glass of wine and handed it to him.

Qin Nanxian held a wine glass in his hand, lay down on the soft chair, and watched the show leisurely.

In the Supreme Heaven, the Palace of the Holy Heavenly King, Pang Shidao frowned.

The runes on a piece of beautiful jade that was several feet tall and engraved with runes in front of them flickered, and a strange light circulated, clearly showing the scene that took place under the Emperor's Fall Peak of the Xuming Ancient Territory before his eyes.

"Helian Batian is indeed gifted with the prehistoric bloodline, and he can actually cultivate to the ninth level of Saint Transformation in a place with twisted laws like the Xuming Ancient Territory." Next to him, a handsome man said in admiration. Although he expressed admiration, his expression was indifferent, and even his eyes were as calm as an ancient well.

"Yes, he was born at the wrong time and in the wrong place. If he had been born tens of thousands of years earlier, even if he could not become the Emperor of Heaven, he would still have great hope of competing for the position of King of Heaven. If we really want him to sit on the position of King of Heaven, maybe There's nothing wrong with you, Pang Shidao.

I said King Pang Tian, ​​you have to work harder, otherwise when my family Fenghua ascends to the throne of Heavenly Emperor and all the tribes in the Xuming Ancient Territory return to the Supreme Heaven, it will be difficult for you to keep your position as Heavenly King. "Another young man with a face so handsome that no flaws could be found followed, with a hint of joking in his smile.

After hearing his words, the handsome man with an indifferent expression glanced at Pang Shidao, and the corners of his mouth turned up slightly.

There is no doubt that these two young men are Gu Fenghua's third and fourth brothers, Gu Hanyi and Gu Yeyu.

"You guys can still laugh. Although Fenghua has Qingyun Sword and Cangchen Saint Pattern in her hands, she has only reached the sixth level of Sainthood after all. How can she fight with Helian Xiongba? When she is still on the throne of Heavenly Emperor, can she survive this? Guan Du is a problem." Pang Shidao said, dumbfounded.

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