My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 6094 6095 Don’t come over!

At this time, shouldn't they be worried about their precious sister? They were still in the mood to make fun of him.

"Don't worry, she will be fine. I haven't slept well these days, so I'll take a nap for a while and remember to call me when they finish." Gu Yeyu yawned and lay down on the King's chair next to him, listlessly said.

"I'll take a break too. Call me when you're done." Gu Hanyi leaned against the wall and closed his eyes like that.

"Aren't you ready to take action?" Pang Shidao asked in surprise.

Seeing that the two of them were not worried about Gu Fenghua at all, he thought they were preparing to take action, but looking at their posture, it seemed that the two of them had no intention of taking action.

"It's not time yet." Gu Yeyu opened his sleepy eyes and said lazily.

"Pang Tianwang, haven't you been worried about Fenghua's strength? Take a good look, she will surprise you." Gu Hanyi was so confident that he didn't even bother to open his eyes.

Pang Shidao finally determined that it was not that the two brothers seemed to have no intention of taking action, but that they indeed had no intention of taking action at all.

What's the reason? You must know that even with the Qingyun Dao Sword and the Cangchen Holy Pattern in hand, Gu Fenghua's cultivation of the sixth level of Hua Sheng cannot compete with Helian Xiongba. Are they placing their hopes on the Monster Wood Cauldron and the Nine Heavens World-Destroying Gourd? Although these two artifacts are combined into one, which is both offensive and defensive, which is quite good, but now they can only be regarded as half-foot weapons at best, which shouldn't be enough, right?

What do they have to rely on? The more Pang Shidao thought about it, the more confused he became, and he continued to look at the young figure under the Emperor's Fall Peak with complete confusion.

"Senior Helian, please!" Gu Fenghua calmed down the rising blood in his chest and said to Helian Batian.

"You have such courage at such a young age. It's not bad. No matter whether you can take my three punches or not, I will save your life and protect your cultivation." Seeing that Gu Fenghua's cultivation was obviously far inferior to his own, he went to Standing in front of him was Yuan Tingyue Zhi, with no hint of timidity on his face, and Helian Xiongba's eyes showed some admiration.

Although the younger generations of their clans have not lost their blood, they have gradually lost the pride of their ancestors after being trapped in the lifeless Xuming Ancient Realm for so many years, and they no longer have the magnanimity and calmness of Gu Fenghua.

As soon as he finished speaking, Helian Xiongba punched out again. Appreciation is appreciation, but there is not much reservation about this punch.

The five-foot-tall majestic figure sank slightly, then charged forward fiercely, its giant hammer-like fists as fast as meteors, piercing the space and emitting a harsh scream.

Gu Fenghua was well prepared. The holy energy in his body poured out like a flood, and he struck out with his strongest sword and the Cangchen Holy Mark at the same time.

"Boom!" There was another loud noise, the light and shadow distorted, the earth shook, gravel shot up and dust flew up, and Gu Fenghua flew out like a kite with its string broken.

This time, she flew dozens of feet away before she fell to the ground. She staggered back a dozen steps, holding a sword in one hand and landing on one knee to stabilize her body. A trace of blood was already pouring out of the corner of her mouth. The hand holding the sword was dripping with blood.

Obviously, this was caused by Helian Xiongba's powerful force pouring into his body and severing his meridians.

"Sir!" Although they had already guessed such an outcome, seeing the blood dripping from Gu Fenghua's sword, Lin Yujing and others were still heartbroken. They rushed towards her while quickly taking out the healing tools. Dan.

These healing pills were originally reserved for life-saving use, but no one could care about that much at this time.

Of course, having said that, if the current battle between the various clans and the four heavenly kings' palaces cannot be avoided, even the Xuming Ancient Territory will most likely be destroyed. Their lives will not be saved, so what is the use of keeping these healing pills?

"I'm fine, don't come over!" At this moment, Gu Fenghua suddenly spoke to stop them from approaching.

As she spoke, she slowly stood up while holding her sword.

Lin Yujing and others stopped suddenly and looked at Gu Fenghua in disbelief.

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